Like the image above show there are several sia levels (original for communicating to the
alarm receiving central).
sia level 3 is the most common and standardized protocol.
this is a one way protocol only from panel to receiver with most information like
wich section, wich zone, wich zonetype and the zonetext.
for example a burglar zone will only be send when the alarm is armed, not when it is disarmed.
sia level 4 is what I heard of honeywell there own protocol.
with two way communication. receiving messages send from the panel but also
send commands to the alarm panel. like omitting zone’s or trigger outputs or arming and disarming sections, this protocol also can monitor zone’s in disarmed state.
communicating by sia level 3 has a pro because the alarm system can not be manipulated for example omitting all zone’s by accident.
communicating by sia level 4 has a pro to be able omit zone’s or trigger lights by activated zone’s.
on the internet I found the following page:
this is a sia level 3 server to receive and acknowledge the messages
send from a (all brands that support sia level 3) alarm panel.
maybe this could be a good start for a universal app for all alarm panels.
for sia level 4 communicating the following parameters are needed:

this requires a continues polling to keep the connection open.
like said before winpak also uses sia level 4.
I have the possibility to get a trial winpak installation and a honeywell galaxy alarm panel working, but don’t know if that is useful to get some information to simulate the communication on a homey (winpak and galaxy are both honeywell products).
some direct information on the standardized sia level 3 protocol can be found on this site:
hope that this is useful for someone. I’m able to help or test it (with multiple brands of alarm panels)