Homey's complete refusal to acknowledge Apple devices

I can’t confirm this at all. We’re 2 people and each use an iPhone. Reliability is over 99% for us.
Apple once released a new firmware, after which the localization no longer worked reliably, but Athom got this under control again.

Maybe it’s a phenomenon similar to other electrical devices. After one of the last Apple firmware updates for iPhones, for example, some users noticed that the battery drained much faster, while most users didn’t notice any problems. There are countless examples of this.

Btw, have you checked the linked topics in my post? A few ideas were also mentioned on how to possibly solve the problem.
Here are some other:

  • Log out of the Homey smartphone app, restart Homey, open the Homey smartphone app again after a few minutes and log in again

Where can I get an invitation for Homey testflight

However, I don’t know if new users will be accepted for the TestFlight program.