Homey Pro / Philips Hue Bridge / ZigBee (routing?)


I was wondering about one point.
If I go for the Philips Hue Bridge, will any other ZigBee devices be able to talk with it?
Or will my Homey Pro be a sort of federator between Philips Hue Bridge & any other router/end ZigBee device?

Hue bridge = zigbee controller
Homey = zigbee controller
They can’t “see” each other.

A zigbee device can only belong to one zigbee controller.

But, if you add the devices connected with Hue bridge to Homey, using the Hue-with-the-bridge app, Homey can control them, like this:
Homey > wifi > Hue bridge > Hue zigbee > Hue zigbee device

What’s that? You mean the “Official” Philips Hue App developed by Athom?

Yes, because there’s a Hue-without-the-bridge app as well.
This allows for supported Hue devices to connect with Homey zigbee.

Are you able to choose the ZigBee channel with the Philips Hue Bridge? If yes, where? Is it with the official Philips Hue Bridge App or is it again in the developer portal?

This is a Hue bridge setting, Homey is not involved;
Please use the (not-Homey) Philips Hue phone app.