[Homey Pro] overview script

Any chance to get Last seen state via Homeyscript? For Zigbee…probably not, right

i like that idea, something like now is in the latest update? :wink:


  • v1.13 (September 18 2023):
    • Added: Last seen date and time for ZigBee devices, Homey Pro (early 2023) only
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Very nice ! :wink: Might be useful for some users when doing some troubleshooting. Thank you

Thank you!
This script is not part of an app, just copy it in and run it?

I have the app “Homey Script” and I get results.
Just wondering if it’s possible to run this from the phone through a tile for example.

You can store it into Homeyscript scripts and then run it or you can copy - paste it as code and run it.

Yes, eg. via favorite flow, not exactly device title.

HomeyScript is an app, so technically it is part of an app, but I don’t look at any apps individually no, it is only an overview script of what is all on your Homey, not a fix it all script, then it would be 1.000.000x bigger.
I might be able to add “unavailable” devices though, which would be a nice addition.

Technically you could run it from a flow, but as all results are only displayed and not returned anywhere it won’t give you any benefit.

And here it is, if you have any unavailable devices then it will say so, and if you enable the “show”, it will display their name and the reason why it is unavailable.

  • v1.14 (September 19 2023):
    • Added: Unavailable devices (and the reason when displayed)

Could the timers in Countdown and Chronograph apps be included?

I know your intention was not to include them, but it would be great to have at least two of the most used timers.

If possible, for future, I would wish for a complete all (standard) flows readout including If…And…Then for documentation?

Indeed, as stated in the original post I will never be adding other apps, and that will stay that way, other people will request other apps after that, and so it continues.

Feel free to write your own script for this, or someone else of course, not going to happen with this script as it would increase the size by a 100 fold.
And probably very hard to get readable in HomeyScript’s limited way of showing information, so might be better for an (web)App anyway.

--------------- Homey Pro Overview v1.14 --------------
Homey name: Jacco's Homey Pro
Homey version: 10.0.1
Homey model: Homey Pro (Early 2019) (2 core(s))
Uptime: 1217278 (14 days, 2 hours, 7 minutes, 58 seconds)
Update available: No

------------------ Main ---------------------
5 Users (1 Owner, 0 Manager, 4 User, 0 Guest)
35 Apps (32 Stable, 2 Test, 1 Development/Community Appstore, 3 SDKv2, 32 SDKv3, 0 Updateable, 0 Disabled/Crashed)

SDKv2 app(s):
Novy Intouch v2
Homey Community Store
HTTP request flowkaarten

Updateable app(s):

19 Zones
652 Notifications (Timeline)
23 Logic Variables (10 Boolean (Yes/No), 13 Number, 0 String (Text))
28 Flows (0 Broken, 1 Disabled)
15 Advanced flows (0 Broken, 2 Disabled)
0 Alarms (0 Enabled)
14 HomeyScript scripts (0 Token/Tag)

----------------- Devices -------------------
1 Unavailable devices
11 Virtual devices
0 Infrared (database) devices
3 Z-Wave devices (2 Unsecure, 0 Secure (S0), 0 Secure (S2 Authenticated), 1 Secure (S2 Unauthenticated), 2 Router, 1 Battery, 0 Unreachable, 0 Unknown)
2 Zigbee devices (2 Router, 0 End device)
63 Other devices
79 Total devices

✅ Script Success
↩️ Returned: "Overview finished"

:flushed::grimacing: thats a huge number…

Yes I like the timeline. A lot of my flows report to it.

It’s been reported the Homey mobile app gets more sluggish while there’s a big number of notifications, that’s all :wink:

What’s the deal with Alarms, is anybody using it?
I don’t seem to get it…

They are the build in (time) scheduler option Homey has, so yes many people use it, you should look them up, even you probably have a usage for them.

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I bet I could make a flow or script deleting older timeline items? :slight_smile:

How could the console.log be redirected to result Returned from the script using a advanced flow to generate a push notification or an email?

Yes it is. There’s an app Timeline Manager, it’s in the community app store aka HCS
But we have to wait to the rebirth of HCS.
No tears though: there’s a brand new homeyscript now by @Caseda !


I have tested the version 1.14.

I am getting feedback of one device that is unavailable because it’s missing an app.
But it was last seen 6 minutes ago. Why is that?

