I can recommend this poe to usb-c from direktronik. Have used it since i got my new homey 2023. And it hasnt got under voltage at any time… https://www.direktronik.se/globalassets/_product-images--pdf/2.-kommunikation-datacenter/2.1-stromforsorjning/06.-power-over-ethernet-poe-90/20112978_poe_till_usb-c_natverksadapter.pdf
Hello, i bought a Ubiquiti PoE adapter to USB-C but i have a big problem, i have a poe switch that is working because i have there connectet other devices that are working good. But if i connect homey via poe adapter so homey is started well but can not connect to internet, or i think it is not connectet to local network i dont know. I can see and control homey on local network but homey does not see a local network devices like tasmota, wled, onvif cams atc. I was trying to setup homey in setup mode when it was on poe but it can not be to saved and homey goes red light. I tryied it to make it connectet for 5 hours but on this poe it doesnt connect to cloud and dont see a local devices. And it is connectet to ethernet and wlan too. Please could you help me with this problem? I need it on poe because i have backup ups on devices on lan cables in my rack and homey will be in other room where can not backup ups use.
Thank you.
So if someone will have this problem too, first try to change original homey usb-c cable. It is working fine with other cable.
I am planning to use the original ethernet adapter to a PoE switch.
Do you think it will work?
Yes and No,
What I found most online:
- you can plug a non-PoE device into a PoE port. PoE (Power over Ethernet) technology allows for devices to be powered and connected to a network using a single Ethernet cable. However, not all devices are PoE-compatible, and plugging a non-PoE device into a PoE port will not harm the device. The PoE port will simply transmit data and not provide power to the non-PoE device.
There are many standards, and older variants (fe Passive 48 Volt), these are probably not safe to connect the Homey Pro Ethernet Adapter. (I would not try it…)
(fe see Power over Ethernet - Wikipedia )
but Why? the Homey Pro Ethernet Adapter isn’t PoE, so to Power Homey you still need a USB-C Poweradapter … to power it.
Thank you this was useful information. I will not make big experkments. The unit cost too much. Regarding energy consumption ir should be possible to make an adapter based on a modern PoE++ standard.
Do you have a special revision of this adapter? I have tried one but could not get it to work with my Homey Pro 2023. It works for charging and network connection on other devices, phone and tablet, but the Homey will not power up.
The model name of mine is P2C5V, do you have the same?
@Tobias_Persson Nothing special at all just bought it from direktronik here in Sweden. Also bought a second one for my homey 2023 at my vacation home both works great. I took a look at mine here at home and there is nothing about P2C5V at it. Just the part number 20112978 and the serial number and a direktronik logo. The partnumber is the same as the link i provided earlier on. Did you buy it from the same place as me or did you get it from somewere else?
Thanks for the quick reply.
No, I have had it since before but it looks exactly like the one from Direktronik, with the same specs etc. But apparently it’s not the same then
Homey now states the Unifi-thingy is ‘officially’ supported.
I immediately ordered it because I see a lot of videoCoreUnderVoltageCurrently.
The info isn’t really new, it’s probably been around for a year.
However, the question is why videoCoreUnderVoltage is detected.
Are you using the original power supply unit with 5.2 volts? Are you using the original cables? Or have you replaced any of them?
If you are using the original hardware, I would suggest to report this to Athom support. Maybe there is something wrong with Homey.
I used all the original cables and adapters.
Yesterday replaced the power-supply with the new Unifi adapter.
Athom pointed me to undervoltages in my HP23 too.
Their (terrific!) Support sent me a new power supply, cables and LAN-adapters, but that didn’t help.
At last they replaced my Homey incl (again) new cable, power supply and LAN-adapter and now the problem seems gone.
I guess they are investigating the problem too, so I would definately suggest contacting Athom as well…!
Thanks, I will do that.