[Homey Pro (Early 2023)] App unsupported list

That’s a shame.

The guy is just inactive in the Homey eco system.

Oh wow, I posted this link in a Homey FB group back then :blush:

Screenshot from 2023-10-04 17-03-28

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In the app it states:
“name”: “Peter Baan”,
“email”: “peterbaan93@gmail.com”,

Maybe you can send him an email, or contact him on Slack

I did both, email and slack.

But no response.

It’s a little less black or white here…(funny I say that I like the black or white choices normally :rofl: .
In this case, there is no license published, so in that way, you are correct, and the default copyright laws apply, meaning that you retain all rights to your source code and no one may reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from your work.

At the same time, when setting up a repository on GitHub, you acknowledge the Terms and conditions of Github, which state that if you don’t add any license and use an open (not private) repo, users of GitHub.com have the right to view and fork your repository. (License information) and (Terms of service).

The real issue would probably be to get your new (updated) app published under your own name, which could be a breach of copyright law, depending on many variables.

If you just change the code in a fork you make on Github and run the app locally, without publishing it, there probably won’t be any issues, based on the Github Terms of Service. @robertklep, do you agree, or have any insights on something I didn’t think about?

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I wonder to what extend such a fork may be used in terms actually running the code:
“If you set your pages and repositories to be viewed publicly, you grant each User of GitHub a nonexclusive, worldwide license to use, display, and perform Your Content through the GitHub Service and to reproduce Your Content solely on GitHub as permitted through GitHub’s functionality (for example, through forking). You may grant further rights if you adopt a license.”

Here, “use, display and perform” and “reproduce” are limited to “[the] Github [service]”, and I’m not sure if you’re allowed to subsequently reproduce the code locally (by cloning/downloading the fork) and actually use it.

Yeah, like I said, this one isn’t that black or white :smile:
But what would be the point in forking a project and not being able to make changes and/or test on a local device?

I am not sure either, so that’s why I was interested in your “No” comment, cause I know a lot of developers that interpret it in different ways. Would be a lot easier if everyone just added a license. :+1:

So you can still “use” the code on Github if the original is deleted or set to private.

Well, IANAL, and unless someone here is and can definitively state that yes, it’s okay to copy the code and ask another dev to change it (which implies releasing it, either through Github or as a published app), the answer is “no, you cannot do that”.

Without a license everything is open for interpretation, even Github’s ToS. Who can tell if those are valid everywhere? In Europe, Terms of Service/Conditions can be a bit of a minefield.

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Sooo, anybody interested in forking on GitHub and updating the code for HP23?

I want to pay for the effort.

Hi Arie,

I am also happy to donate!!
Please I will be very happy if you are able to look at the heatmiser app!!

Regards Paul

Is there any prospect of when FireAngel’s smoke detectors will work again? An update that would make the app compatible was promised almost a year ago at the top of this thread, but so far it has remained relatively quiet. An update would really be appreciated :pray:

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Is there a recently updated list of un-supported apps on Homey Pro (Early 2023).
I’m considering buying one but don’t want to be surpised by un-supported apps.

I don’t think it is updated anymore.

Easiest for you would to check every app you currently has installed.

The list is only a month old, not that many (old) apps have been getting an update to SDKv3 in that month, only 1 or 2.

EDIT: it was already almost 3 months old (woops), but the list has been updated again, with 5 app changes.

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I would like to rewrite an app like the Novy Intouch of the FHEM to SDKv3. But I am no programmer. I can compare the code SDKv2 with SDKv3, but I can’t manage te get the app working. What would you recommend?

With a script of course :blush:

and combined in a flow:

@ *all:
The Roborock app is updated a few days ago.


Feibit app is updated

2 posts were split to a new topic: [HomeyScript] Find deprecated Flowcards after migrating to Homey Pro (Early 2023)

Long shot but… Anybody that still using Global Cache and knows if those would still work with HP2003? (doesn’t seem like it would…)

As long as it is on the “unsupported” list, then it isn’t supported.
The apps’ page says the same:

This app is not compatible with Homey Pro (Early 2023).

This app is outdated and requires an update to work on Homey Pro (Early 2023). Unfortunately, the developer of this app does not offer direct support.