Homey Pro 2023 with 500 zigbee device

If you are just planning that, I would suggest to contact Athom for this question. I do believe (my personal feeling) it would be already way too much, yet I haven’t seen yet any official figures of max. nr. of devices for HP23, maybe someone can advice. If the Zigbee chip would be able to handle that (seems Robert found out that chip support 32 children devices), it would be also depending on number of applications installed - it might be a failing combination (too many apps, too many devices) .

FYI, this is my size of home, had to already do some adjustments as the RAM was limiting factor and I had already too many apps.

61 Apps (14 Stable, 41 Test, 6 Development/Community Appstore, 61 SDKv3
32 Zones
50 Notifications (Timeline)
54 Logic Variables (21 Boolean (Yes/No), 31 Number, 2 String)
572 Flows (0 Broken, 14 Disabled)
44 Advanced flows (0 Broken, 2 Disabled)
67 Zigbee devices (23 Router, 44 End device)
127 Other devices
233 Total devices

I know that I will be able to pair for Zigbee devices - but currently not including some all Xiaomi
devices because I don’t know if Athom already fixed the issues I have been observing.

Some more details but not providing exact answers - Maximum direct Zigbee device in Homey Pro and Homey Bridge - #10 by robertklep