Homey Mobile App very slow after update

Since the update for the mobile Homey App ( with the new graphic layout, things are so slow, that if you want to edit a flow, you must wait and wait until something happens.
The new grahic layout looks nice, but you can not use it normally.
I have a Iphone 14 Pro and 1GB internet Connection, so that can not be the reason why it’s so slow.


Same here, although it’s more responsive compared to the first rc’s. Sams S9 - Android 10.
I blame it partly on the many slide effects. I really don’t like it, and it ignores my system settings to disable any slide effect.
2nd, (but was also the case on app v6.x) the app seems to completely (sloooooowly) start when you switch focus back to it. And it doesn’t open the screen where I left off.
I like the additions and improvements though.

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Confirm, same problems!

Same here.
Resulting in frustrating multi taps, tapping the wrong buttons.

Same here, what can we do??
It’s terrible… So slow and not responsive.

Any news from Homey about this slownes problem? I have the same frustrating slow menu tap responces. Using iPhone 12 and iPad pro with App version and Homey Pro 10.0.2

They commented @ Slack to this

Still nothing done with this.
Editing flows is almost not working.
You can almost not use the phone to edit flows anymore!!!
Very bad!!!

Please write to support when you want to reach Athom https://homey.app/support

Already wrote to them, but nothing changed the last 3 months…

Same problem here. I sent in a support post. Hope they fixes this now. Looks like we need to adress this as much as we can to make things happen.

I was going to do that, but it appears their response times for questions about the app are even slower than the app itself (3 weeks!) so I didn’t bother…

I was adding some flows today and noticed it getting slower with every action.
What works for me is restarting the app after every few actions taken in the app. It seems like a memory leak or components getting created multiple times without getting cleaned up or something.

I still have problems with the Homey App (Android) being extremely slow.
For example editing a flow something take more then 10 seconds to react to a “touch”.
Often resulting in doubt if I did touch it and touch it again. It’s very hard to work with.

Same result on multiple (Android) phones.

I cannot understand this is not picked up by the development team.

It’s on their radar for whatever that means :no_mouth:
Probably similar to Soon™

Since the last firmware update, when scrolling fast tru teh flows, the app crashes. When trying again the same results.
So the problems are getting worse!!!.
When are the going to solve this, or are they waiting until we can not use the mobile app anymore???

I get the feeling that mobile app is actually slowing the Homey down, and eventually becomes clogged.

And a restart of Homey would suffice.

Same issue here. (Pixel 7 with Android 14)
The app updates states very slowly (or even not at all), especially when switching between WiFi and 4G/5G. Every time I need to force quit the app and restart the app on my phone.

I thought i was the only one having this issue on the iOS app.
Homey 2023 is connected via LAN (cable) so it cant be that, but sometimes the IOS app says ‘connection broken’ specially when switching between 5g / 4g and wifi (network at home).

I also notice a lot of ‘lag’ in the IOS app when switching tabs or scrolling (iPhone 15 pro).

I have problem with Samsung and mobile app v7.x.x. It is impossible to edit flows, I can not drag the cards up/down. I have reported this to support since the first beta release and last time a month ago.
To be able to edit flows I kept mobile app v6 on my everyday mobile and make testing on my Samsung tab.
Please, do report your problems to support so we force developer team to solve the issue.

Same problem here (Android users), contacted support a while ago, they are aware.

First had issues with Z-wave and now an unusable app due to being ridiculous slow.

I’m going to say it, Homey is not on top of their game. These issues and unprofessional response/resolve times will not make them as successful as they want/could become.

There is only an x amount of issues one is willing to hit their home (wife, kids, etc).