Homey Dashboards — Public Beta Megathread

Hi anyone.

Maybe I’m a bit premature. I use all kinds of variables in my dashboard. Since we do not have the possibility to use (push) notifications I want to use the value of tags the same way as variables. Can’t find it. Is there a way (other then write the value of a tag to a selfmade variable)?
Thanks in advance


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When I do create a new dashboard, just for Insights (inzichten), I can add one and set all the parameters, that is working. When I do add the second and I push the button Select a new insight → a new screen come up.

In this screen all text is not there, you only see the beams, without anything else. I have fully quit and close the app, restart and try it again. Sometimes it works, sometimes it do not work

@sschot thank you for reporting an issue. Is it possible to provide a screen recording so we have a better understanding of the problem?

@RoyB thank you for the suggestion. If you have any specific needs to create the widgets you want, please describe the requirements so we can build an interface for that.

We currently have no plans to provide an HTML interface for settings. This against our idea of how users would configurate their widgets.

Hi @Harwin

I have found a small bug in the display of the device zone widget. The devices are not sorted:


In the my.homey app they are displayed like this:


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Will arrange when I am working on and it happens again

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@ChrisG thanks for reporting. We fixed the bug and it will be shipped later this week :ok_hand:

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Great to see that dashboards are finally coming!

I assume we would have to wait for a web version to get this working on a Google nest hub, right?

I understand you are focusing on new features first but is there any expected timeline for development and launch of the web version?


My idea was to offer a widget in wich you can select a thermostat, onoff or dimmer device from a dropdown box.
With that device to make a daily or weekly schedule that switches the temperature, on/off or dim level to a certain value at specific times, and show this graphically in a nice timeline.


Thank you for the explanation, I think we can provide an interface for that.

We are thinking of providing an option to select a device. Similar to how ‘devices custom’ widget is working but than with a singular option. That would help you correct?

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I really would love a good calendar widget for the family. Based on Gmail if possible. Where you can see clearly what every memeber of the family is up to.


Hi Atom,

I have a request. I have over 200 (big guess) variables made. I use a lot of #, $, @… symbols in front of the variables to keep it sorted (in a way). And I never worried before about the length of the name.

Until now… It does not look good on the dashboard. Can you introduce something like an ‘Alternative name’?


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If you would be able to limit the available options to certain devices or device capabilities, that would work.

But why not offer something like the autocomplete? But not as a text field but a select box?

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Thanks for providing the additional questions.

  • If we are to make an option to select devices, we should take into account to add filters for certain classes and capabilities :+1:
  • We are also thinking about a general solution for selecting multi items :ok_hand:

@Rogier_Verheugen Thank you for reporting this bug. We are working on a solution for this problem and hopefully we can ship a fix soon :crossed_fingers:

Hi. In home screen I’m using weather, variable, Devices-custom and timeline-small widgets.

I have few other dashboards also, which in addition to above have insights-Line charts, camera, speaker-large and batteries widgets.

@Vesa_Laine Thank you, we fixed a bug in the Weather Widget. Is it freezing outside at your place by any change? We found an issue which was related to a temperature being 0. :cold_face:

The battery widget allows you to specify which batteries you would like to show in the widget. However, the low battery widget doesn’t allow to specify which devices you want to display. I would like to be able to select which devices to display in this widget as well. For instance, I have a master bedroom dashboard. I want to display the low batteries in that room specifically on that dashboard.

Hi Harvin,
I also think a device selection for adding a widget would be needed.
I have apps providing different devices and widget will be device dependent for most cases (think of 2 cars or 2 TVs you want to add as single widget.
But this will need a SDK change to provide a device instance, right?

Most likely that was the problem, as last night temperature dropped to -1C, and I noticed this bug at morning.

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