Homey Dashboards — Public Beta Megathread

By instellingen, tijdlijn.

I would like a option to backup/download/import a dashboard

It is missing indeed. I have made something simple that can be used until this flaw is repaired creating a text variable and setting it every X seconds - than to be displayed on Dashboard as variable…

Date can be done same way…


no way this must be done like this… :open_mouth:

This can already be done.
Just login in the app as a user of your choice and navigate to Settings → My account.
Disable the “Use home/away detection”.
In that case that device will not be taken in to consideration for home/away of this user.

what about last one to sleep / awake…?

Quick & dirty but works…

Thanks so far. I will take a lool at it when I’m back home.

Instellingen tijdlijn bestaat nog maar uit


Dus sorry, kan het echt niet vinden

En ander algemeen zit het ook niet

Small bug, should be singular if there’s only one column in a dashboard

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Below the timeline is a “View all” button.
It then shows the original timeline, where you can swipe left to remove entries.

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@Waldo much appreciated. This small bug will be fixed next update :ok_hand:

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I can swipe as much and as long as I will… For me not working

maar ook led ring, taal, locatie, tijdlijn, z-wave en experimenten. welke versie van de app gebruik je?

Hi @sschot (@Doekse)

I found a bug. Maybe it is related to the issue you are facing.

Landscape: take a notice to the red line.

Portrait: if I rotate the tablet from Landscape to Portrait the touch function in the yellow erea isn’t working.

This is a Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+


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Same here on Samsung tablet with Android 14.

I am working on Samsung Tablet A8, in this situation

Can you confirm you are facing these issues because of what I discovered? Landscape / Portrait issue


-In some cases it’s not possible to edit the name of a dashboard, nothing happens

-there should be a possibility to set size of a widget for instance small buttons or big buttons

Great work team Athom! Is it one day possible to remove the hard limit in columns? I’d like to develop a widget (at least trying) to make floorplans an option for homey. I currently use HA just to create my dashboard (all devices are on homey and will stay there). It should be technically be possible if we could choose to use the full page size.