Homey App for Hoymiles HM-1500 Microinverter connected to Hoymiles DTU-PRO


I couldn’t find an app for Homey for my solar install with Hoymiles HM-1500 Microinverter connected to Hoymiles DTU-PRO.

any help?



Any updates on this? I would also like to have the opportunity to integrate my Hoymiles PV’s to Homey!


I saw there was a Homilies app for HomeAssistant. I will check what I can do, my knowledge is limited but let me figure it out. Also, if anyone else can help, let me know :slight_smile:


Sorry, I can’t help because my coding know-how is less than zero. But I would be happy if it will be possible. :+1:t2:

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Hi Niels, Any luck? Since I too have a Hoymiles installation and would like to integrate in Homey (Pro) 2023


I’m getting a Hoymiles installation this week, I would be very interested to integrate it in homey pro as well.

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I also have an Hoymiles installation. Would love to have an Homey app to monitor generation and also to limit the output. (functionality to limit the output present in the Android app S-miles Enduser)


Any news to this as I also would like to use it :grinning:

Initially, I used Home Assistant with the corresponding integration and the Homey Home Assistant Community app. However, as I don’t want to have several systems running in parallel, if possible, I’ve looked into MQTT a bit. In the meantime I managed to readout the data of my Homilies HM-1500 via OpenDTU and MQTT protocol without any other systems:

I am currently using just the relatively new MQTT Server app for this. This app combines the MQTT Broker and MQTT Client app.
When I have a bit more time, I might write a tutorial.


I really like what I read here. I also have a Hoymiles HM-800 system and was very interested in a tutorial during that time, because I could never do it without getting one


Dirk, please give us a little tutorial, i can´t get it alone, thanks! :slight_smile:

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First of thank you for all efforts done. Is there any update on this? I’d so like to know how I could set this up. I’ve also got a hoymiles installation and would like to integrate this in the homey environment. Thanks in advance. - Walter.


No, sorry! Unfortunately I haven’t had the time to write a tutorial yet, but I hope to do so in the next 2 weeks.



I am using the Hoymiles HMS-1600.
Would be great to add it to the Homey Pro!


Would also like it. Is there any update on this topic?

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Would be interested as well here to get a tutorial.

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Any news to this as I also would like to use it :grinning:

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Here you go → [Tutorial][Pro] How to integrate Hoymiles Microinverters via OpenDTU and MQTT

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