Homey 2 way light switches are too slow

Hi I really need help. Pls help (thanks) any advice would be much appreciated !

There was no issues until I changed my wifi that I used. Was set up with a 2.4/5 - all was working fine but I couldn’t access the app outside of home. So I thought it was a wifi issue

When I changed it to the 2.4 wifi the two way flows became so slow and cranky. Sometimes it can take 5 secs to switch on and my flows are a bit cranky.
The problem persisted even though I switched back to the first wifi network.

I tried the power off for 30 mins and restart to no avail

My switches are wiser by Scheinder - and I tried to repair them also to no avail.

My memory and storage are only at 60%.

I’m not sure why and what happened.

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Hi Samuel,

welcome to the Homey Community Forum!

It could be an interference problem between the 2.4 GHz WLAN and the Homey Zigbee channel. Zigbee also uses 2.4 GHz. Please check this on the following page:

WiFi ZigBee Interference Checker

If you have a Homey Pro (early 2016 - 2019), please do not change the Zigbee channel!
So please change the WLAN channel for the 2.4 GHz frequency and deactivate “Auto channel”, restart Homey and observe if the problem has been resolved.
Homey should also not be placed near other electrical appliances or in a cupboard. Metallic objects in the surrounding area should also be avoided.

Hi DirkG,

Thanks very much ! I shall try this and update here.

Mine is the homey pro early 2023 version.

Thanks ! I appreciate it
