I got this from Athom:
I have forwarded your report to Development so they can take a look at it and see if they can fix this.
So hopefully they will fix it soon…
New version published
Version 2.10.17
- Improved error handling
Even more improvements to the error handling in case Homey returns timeouts on operations.
I have installed the Heimdall app on my Homey, it’s a very good application.
But I have an issue, in the Users settings: I can’t seem to enter the PIN. Is there a default PIN, or am I forgetting a PIN that I may have entered during installation?
Thank you in advance
Hi Nicolas,
When you’re required to enter a PIN you have previously configured one.
I’ll send you a PM
As a new be in Homey Pro 2023 i’ll try to include my Fibaro smart implants to Heimdal app. As I’m going to exclude my former security system and run the old door and window sensors on smart implants. Theese Fibaro Implants has been succesfully in cluded to the Fibaro app with the S2 security.
When I installed to Heimdall app the only item was included was one Fibaro smoke detector. This particular one is the one not showing battery status. the other three which show battery status was not included, funny?
I 'll created an Virtual device for the smart implant, no item has been adressed to this Icon.
I need some advice to come forward in this matter.
Residence in Sweden.
Best regards
Jan A
Dit you read the openingpost of this topic, the FAQ and changelog?
How to integrate devices that don’t have a supported capability is described and a link is available with an explanation how to configure it.
Please try that and if you still can’t get it to work, describe in detail what you’ve done, what you expected to happen and what actually happened.
Hi after ADD RFID the keypad starts beeping (not one beep)
I push the alarm button, one beep and then it stops beeping.
When I go to de user section in the heimdall app notting happens.
I think the keypad is not accepting the RFID ? (It is a good type)
Any suggestions ?
Hi Atze,
Heimdall does nothing more than receive an RFID tag from the Frient app and save it. Please post in the Frient topic for any support on the device.
Thank’s for your answer. After consulting my son this weekend ( visit us) I understand I misunderstood how to include the Fibaro smart implanmt in the virtual device.
Hopefully I hope I remember how to do with the other implants I have in the Alarm chain.
Best regards
Jan A
I just bought Frient Keypad and added 4 users. Sadly I can only use the keypad to activate/deactivate Heimdall alarm. I would like to use it for other things such as - turning plugs and lights on and off in certain zones when some user leaves but others stay at home. Is this possible? I would like to make the information from Heimdall dashboard that user presented valid RFID tag or PIN code to turn into a flow card - When User 2 presented RFID tag and commanded allARM … Then … (any other device). Thaks for your help!
Hi Danee,
I have now received the following reply from Athom support. What do you think, can this help?
Everything works as it should with the iPhone, but not with the 3 iPads I have.
Athom support:
I understand the disappointment and am very sorry I couldn’t solve this issue for you.
Please know Development realy did all they can to reproduce the issue, without the cause we can’t work on a solution. This particular issue hasn’t been reported before through official support channels, the community forum is for the community to share ideas and help each other.
If the Developer of the Heimdall App knows more about the issue please let him contact us through the appropriate channels as we would appreciate the help. It is your desicion on how to go from here, if posting that we couldn’t resolve a unreproducible issue helps you, please do so. But know that we tried and are open to investigating again if you have new information for us.
For now this is all I can do for you as support, which is why I’m closing your ticket. If you need additional support, please feel free to re-open your ticket by answering this email.
Feature requests for the operation of the Orient Keypad are best posted in the Frient app topic.
Heimdall will only receive information from the Frient app when a valid RFID is presented and a Surveillance Mode is selected. When this happens that Surveillance Mode is activated and the Surveillance Mode changed is triggered. You can use that card to start a flow
I guess the reply from Athom is missing in your post, otherwise it’s me because I don’t understand what you’re saying
No, you understood me correctly, I forgot to insert the answer🙈
But I’ve caught up with it in the post above👍🏼
Thanks for the hint😃
However, Athom released a new version of the iPad app 2 or 3 days ago, with this version the problem is now solved. Unfortunately, I only noticed yesterday that there was an update…
So everything works as it should again👍🏼
Glad they fixed it even though they couldn’t reproduce the error, perhaps they were already on the newer iPad version.
Yes, that’s exactly how it will have been
I also found the statement that they had never heard of this mistake funny🙈
Hi Again!
I have following the opening posts. But still not find the right cards for it.
I try too figure out which flow cards to use,
This is what i would like to happen, I’ll arming from the Android app on my phone, no need for a delay or last door.
I 'll start in survaliance mode, arming. Next step ix check my three Vitual devices I’ll name them as Virtual device 1 to 3 (Fibaro Smart implant use input one for wired magnet sensors from earlier alarm system) so i haven’t forgot to close a door or window. If one of the sensors is not in closed condition i’ll would like to have an push notification to my phone. If all sensors are in closed position the Heimdaall shall go to armed position(True) if not (False ) abort. i’ve tryed to figure it out in advanced flow but don’t pick the right cards for this configuration.
Next step is when an alarm goes of from one of this 3 sensors. My intention is to use the Alarm Symbol in Heimdal and to get and push notice to my android phone and trigger my indoor siren.
I need to find an solution how to trigger the siren as the Smart Output only can supply 150mA.
And a siren will easily exceed that.
Pitty my Fibaro smoke sensors ( 4Pcs) can be used as an indoor siren in this case.
Hope you can put me in the right direction so I can make an flow that works.
Best regards
Jan Alveström
Use the Heimdall card “Sensor active at status check” or “Sensor active at arming”.
The sensors should have been configured in the Heimdall settings.
Regarding the “alarm symbol”, you need to install an image app in Homey and upload the picture/icon.
Push notification; use built in push notifications or install Telegram or any of the other notification apps.
Regarding siren; what “smart output” are you referring to? Use a smart plug and any power supply that gives you enough power.
Use the Heimdall card “the alarm is activated” to trigger stuf.
The first part:
And then you can use:
Push notifications, why not use the Homey app push notification?
For a siren i use the Audio out on the Homey Pro… (the old one)…with an amplifier.
Thank*s for your answer i’ll try it.
Best Regards
Jan Alvestrom