Heimdall - Let Homey watch over your home

Thank*s for your answer!
I certainly will try to find out theese cards. The otput I refer to is the Fibaro Smart Implant as I use 3 of them. I thnought this was obvious, sorry for the confusion.
The simplest solution is to an 12V single relay with the saoloniod less than 150mA and rated for abouit 2A ower the contacts
Best Regards
Jan Alveström

I seem to have lost my pin, how do I reset it? Uninstall/install?

Just recently I have been able to laborate with the app.
I have now created 3 virtual devices for my 3 Fibaro smart implants.
However they are seen in the Heimdall Dashboard and under Items.

But they will not show up with the two outputs. Only one is aviable, and this will not respond to any one of the three smart implants I have created under Virtual Devices.
What do I do wrong when try to include them? The Implants can still be used under the Fibaro app and be toggled from there.
Best regards
Jan Alveström

Heimdall does not support multiple capabilities per sensor, if you want to use the 2 outputs you’ll have to create a separate Virtual Device per output.

Thank’s when I know, one output per Virtual Device for smart Implant.
However, I can’t get in contact with theese 3 Smart implants in Virtual device, but under homey and Fibaro app. I think I must do something wrong during set up. Any clue?
Jan A

No, not really, guess that’s something to ask in the topic on the Virtual Devices app.

I ask whem, if they have any clue.

I have the problem that the different alarm states are not recognized. I had already described this in the German-language part https://community.homey.app/t/flow-fur-heimdall-ring-keypad-v2-und-nuki/108790/3
, then it worked again, but now it definitely doesn’t work anymore. I enter my code and then press “Away”. Then the motion detectors should also trigger if necessary. However, Away is not activated at all. No matter what I do, it is always activated “present”. I have also stored my flows here in the German part (I work with flows because I can control a little more with them). Can someone explain my mistake to me?

I see you’re using a Ring keypad to arm and use flows to set the Surveillance Mode, I can’t support that.
Please use the apps as intended.

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Thanks ! You gave me the solution while reading! I really didn’t see that as a problem, but the solution is really simple!
I simply took Heimdall’s Surveillance Mode out of the flow. And now it works! Here is a picture of what it was like before.

and what it is like now.


That will make you actually not use Heimdall while still using it as a condition, I don’t get it, but if it’s working for you that’s great!

I’m looking for a way to notify me of users who have disabled the alarm. I see that the username appears in the heimdall log but I can’t find a tab or script that allows me to pass that information to pushover. Do you have any advice?

That’s not possible (yet?)

When the Surveillance Mode is changed on a smart device using the Surveillance Mode Switch it is not possible to determine who performed that action, only when a Ring Keypad is used.
So, when I create a flowcard that includes the user as a tag I will receive tons of bug reports telling me the tag isn’t working so I’ve decided not to add this untill Athom somehow makes the users available that used the Surveillance Mode Switch.

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Thank you. We will see how events unfold.

Hello everyone, I installed the Heimdall app and I’m slowly figuring out how to configure it. My question is, after checking the status of the sensors, is it possible to send a log message showing only the sensors that are active?

Hi Marcelo,

You’ve reached the Advanced Functions, great!

How to use the pre-arming check is explaineed here: Heimdall - Let Homey watch over your home

The Sensor Active at Arming is the card you’re looking for.

hello guys im very new here, i read many articles here and my brain went down :stuck_out_tongue:

I want to create a flow “SLEEP”

  1. to check the status of the sensors, if the door/window/etc is open show me a message “the door/window … is open please close it” , if I close it i want the system check automatically again the status and continue the flow to arming the partial arm of Heimdall.

  2. If all doors/windows are closed, change the Heimdall status to partial arming (I know the seetings at Heimdall settings about which sensor are partial or full)

I made this advanced flow but I dont know how I use the “Check sensor status” before the partial arming.
Can someone help me to understand more?

I start new Flow too with “Sensor Active at Sensor check” but how I continue?

Hi George,

That’s not easily possible, but please follow along:

When you run a flow with Check Status of all sensors there is no follow up on that action when no sensor is tripped, so basically it stops there.
When a sensor is tripped, the Sensor Active at Sensor check is activated and you can follow up on that by sending a message “the door/window … is open please close it”.

Now, it is possible to achieve what you want, but it gets a bit messy. You could set a variable when a sensor is tripped and keep checking for the variable to clear and then actually set the Surveillance Mode.

So, in the flow that has the card Check Status of all sensors set a variable to 0.
Now, in the flow that is triggered by Sensor Active at Sensor check do a +1 on the variable, to count all open sensors (or movement). Here’s the tricky part, you’ll have to have a flow on every sensor in your Surveillance Mode that triggers on closing the door/window or no motion detection and do a -1 on the before mentioned variable.
Somewhere that variable will become 0 again after all door/windows are closed and there’s no movement.
Next you need a flow that’s triggered on change of the variable and have a condition checking if for 0 (or < 0) and as the action set the Surveillance Mode.
Like I said, messy, but it can be done.

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Thanks :smiling_face:
So how many advanced flows I must create?

I think it’s more realistic surveillance, because if you forget a window the security system it’s a kind of useless. I must check every windows or door manually before arming the house.
So I need the system check for me before arming the system.

Why not do this:

If true > do nothing
If not true, stop arming, sent a message (my house has speakers so is says what door is open)

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