Heimdall - Let Homey watch over your home

In my setup I have configured delay on the front door so that I can arm the alarm by pressing a button in the front door area and have the app to activate it after I leave home. I have the following questions / challenges:

  1. The front door is usually already open when I arm the app. I have configured voice communication that tells me about all open door or contact sensors. I don’t want the app to tell me about the front door being open, because:
  • I know they are open
  • All open door and sensors are listed simultaneously, so I cannot hear or understand which are open. If there is only one other door open, I don’t want to the app tell me that the front door is open simultaneously, because then I don’t know which door or sensor to check.
    How can I configure the app to exclude the voice communication about the front door being open when I arm the alarm?
  1. I have noticed that if a contact sensor is open while I arm the alarm (with delay), the alarm will not be triggered after the delay is finished. Is this intended behavior? Can I configure it somehow to start the alarm? I simply don’t want to leave the house if a window is open.

exclude the frontdoor in Heimdall sensor settings
flow: trigger on frontdoorsensor close
Condition: arming countdown is active
Action: Add the frontdoor to full surveillance

Flow : trigger on disarmed heimdall
Action: remove the frontdoor from full surveillance

It’s not possible to enable speech selectively per sensor, the solution provided by @Heronimus is a good workaround for your use case.

In regards to your second questing; No, the Alarm State will never be triggered while an Arming Delay is active, that’s obviously by design. It would make no sense to build in a delay and trigger the Alarm State in that delay period.

I suggest to add a flow that write the Sensors Active at Arming to the Timeline:

New version published.

Version 2.1.1

  • Added Hints to flowcards

No functional changes, just added hints to the flowcards.

Is it possible to add an option in the app to disable voice notifications about open sensors for the sensors with the delay option enabled?

Technically it’s possible but I will not do that. It wouldn’t be worth the effort for something that can easily be prevented by either not opening the door before arming or using the work around provided.

In case of multiple people leaving home, for example a family with kids, kids exit the door first and after a while the last person arms the alarm and locks the door. It is not practical to close the door leaving kids outside just to have them closed while arming the alarm to prevent the issue I described above.

Well, for that use case the solution provided by @Heronimus is the one that can immediately be applied so I don’t see why you wouldn’t use it.

Since Homey 7 I notice that Heimdall will go into surveillance mode all by itself. I was just sitting on my couch and heard Homey say that Heimdall surveillance was enabled. There was no reason to do so. I was still in my house and my GSM too (geofencing). This already happened a few times the last weeks, which is very inconvenient, because if I don’t notice that surveillance is enabled, opening a door with a magnetic sensor will trigger the alarm.
Any idea how to solve this?

Well, it’s impossible to tell you how to fix it when I don’t know the cause. That said, I’m pretty confident Heimdall can not change the Surveillance Mode by itself. So the method you’re using to change the Surveillance Mode is most likely the place to start looking. I suggest adding a card to write to the timeline for every flow you use to set the Surveillance Mode and investigate further with that information.

New version published.

Version 2.1.3

  • Extended functionality for 3rd party Keypanels

No functional changes right now, just preparing for adding functionality to 3rd party Keypanels, more specifically the Ring Security 2nd Generation Keypad.

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New version published.

Version 2.1.4

  • Extended functionality for 3rd party Keypanels

More preparations for adding functionality to 3rd party Keypanels, more specifically the Ring Security 2nd Generation Keypad.

Hi Danee,
First of all let me thank you and salute you for the wonderful app you have created.
I am in the market for replacing my standalone alarmsysteem (Honeywell Galaxy 48) and I was considering to go the Heimdall route instead. I have been toying and testing (I have eufycams and all kinds motion detection all over my house and garden) so it would be a huge cost saver for me to take full benefits of the existing zwave and wifi infrastructure. There is only one thing that is keeping me so far. I am a HomeKit user and I do have a need for a fourth mode. I have read your explaination on this topic here: Heimdall - Let Homey watch over your home - #638 by DaneedeKruyff but I was wondering since many alarm manufacturers are also switching toward 4 modes:

  • @home - partial mode 1
  • away
  • night - partial mode 2
  • off

This is also the 4 modes Apple HomeKit is showing if you present Heimdall’s surveillance device to HomeKit (see picture). Would you be willing to reconsider going that route which will definitely be the final tick-in-the-box for me, but also aligns with more modern alarm systems and Apple HomeKit?

If so is there anyway I can support you? perhaps as a tester or helping you discuss user experience? I am sorry I have no (yes I get the donation part, off course I will)

Hi Raymond_Wigmore. Your question seems equal to something @RobvandeGoor asked on July 18th. (See above this thread at ±1062. Maybe not what you want to hear, but the answer is there also :slight_smile:

Maybe by adding and removing sensors from the Heimdall partial surveillance, you can create kind of “night mode” by doing this in a flow and kick it off when partial surv. mode is activated between 0 and 6 o’clock.

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Thanks @Heronimus Heronimus! I did think I scanned all 1089 messages before sending my question. That poses a second thought and question for @DaneedeKruyff . If Athom would update their OS to include the option for 4 modes… would @DaneedeKruyff be interested in upgrading Heimdall to include this 4th mode :wink: ?

@Heronimus is right, the way to go would by to dynamically change the devices in your zones as explained in a previous post.
(One of the easiest way to find stuff in this topic would be to check the Change Log.)

If Athom would implement an option for 4 modes while retaining backwards compatibility with the current workings I will definitely implemente it in Heimdall.

(Continued story from the Ring App thread)

(…I refined my research, and discovered (thank you Danee for pointing a direction) that the Last Door Functionality reacts on my Fibaro motion sensors. I can reproduce this behavior…)

In case i choose a delay in Heimdall settings for my Motion Fibaro sensor, the log mentions from source : Heimdall : Arming countdown is lowered to 10 seconds due to Last Door sequence

I can workaround this issue, by adding a delay to the specific sensors at finished Surveillance delay state and removing the delay when Heimdall surveillance mode set to disarmed.

I’d really like to get a log from this, the Last Door Functionality can only be triggered by a device that has the alarm_contact capability, something a Fibaro Motion sensors (as far as I know) doesn’t have.

Could you please stop Heimdall restart it again and after 30 seconds perform the action that let the Last Door Functionality be triggered. After that please go into the apps settings and click Create Diagnostics Log fill in a message so I know this is your log and send it to me.

I don’t really need anything and I do not have any complaints. Just here to give a shout out to the awesome work done by team Danee. Have a great Christmas and a happy new year (a bit early, but I felt like it)
Cheers Buddy (and the rest of the people that helped with the app too of course)


Thanks @tweaqie much appreciated!