Heiman smoke detector remains in alarm mode

Just added two Heiman smoke detectors.
I tested one with real smoke, which worked fine.
But now the alarm mode remains on. (exclamation mark in homey dashboard).

Is there a way to reset the alarm?



I donā€™t know these smoke detectors but for KAKU door open/close sensors there is an advanced device setting where you can set the time that the alarm should stay on.

The only advanced options are:
group 1
group 2

wake interval enabled
Interval 86400 seconds

device ID 22
manufacturer 608
Product type ID 32770
Product ID 4096
Firmware version
device class (basic)
device class (generic)
device class (specific)

I donā€™t see where to set the time?
The wakeup interval is set for 24 hours, but the alarm is from 5 days agoā€¦

Hmm ok. That wake interval looks like it is not working correctly, or we misunderstand its purpose.
I think you should contact the developer of the Heiman smoke detector app. He/she may add the extra functionality to it.

Same problem hereā€¦ :frowning:
Did you manage to solve the problem?

Same issue with gas sensor.
Only remediation seems remove device and app from homey.

Can you help us out, @eval?

Still no fixā€¦ :frowning:

I added the device as a general Z-Wave device, while the Heiman app was installed.
Not the detectors work as should, alarms disappear after a few seconds.

Sonā€™t know if this has really helped, or if I was lucky, but still; is seems solved for meā€¦

Hi Gents
Iā€™m very sorry for my absence in this thread. The last few months has been a bit crazy and the whole corona situation not exactly helpingā€¦ :sweat_smile: So I cannot promise an imminent fix, but I will address it as soon as possible! :slight_smile:

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Thanks, @eval
That would be great! :+1:t2::smiley:

welcome back ā€œevalā€

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Hier hetzelfde probleem.Set van 4 gekocht, 3 zijn ok, 1 blijft in de alarmmodus en piept om de 10 minuten. In Homey staat een uitroepteken op de tegel. Heeft iemand inmiddels een oplossing gevonden?

If you could please keep the conversation in English as much as possible, then more people will be able to participate and help you. If you would rather not or canā€™t communicate in English then please check out Non-English boards.

i have the same issue here with the sensor waiting for a solution

Iā€™m facing the same issue. Any luck?

I arrived on this Thread while looking also for a solution with my Heiman smoke detectors (v2) remaining in alarm mode (after a tests)ā€¦

As far as I am concerned, only 2 out of 3 detectors are remaining in that alarm mode ?!

First detector

Second detector

Third detector

No idea why/how the third one went out of the alarm modeā€¦
Actually, one can see that the first one went ā€œoffā€ two times before being stuck ā€œonā€ā€¦

I did wait a bit (2 days) before considering that the 2 first detectors were ā€œstuckā€ (as the wake-up interval of these Z-Wave devices is 24 hours). But nothing changedā€¦

I also tried to remove temporarily the battery, but it didnā€™t help.

Now, if I do a new test with one of the detectors being stuck, I donā€™t even get an event anymoreā€¦

I finally did reset one of the two detectors being stuck, and after pairing again with Homey, alarm is going off immediately at the end of each testā€¦

When I used OpenHab, there was a feature to ā€œhealthā€ the connexion/state of the Z-Wave devicesā€¦ Is there anything similar with Homey ? Or resetting the device is the only option ?

Thereā€™s some Z-Wave tools in here

Also make sure you limit update interval times from ā€˜chattyā€™ devices, like certain Aeotec sensors are/were. They can disrupt a good functioning mesh network.

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Great, Many thx Peter,
Very interesting !

Looking in that tool; I see that all the Heiman smoke detectors are ā€œunreachableā€.
One, named ā€œSmoke Sensor Officeā€, is even ā€œofflineā€.
I donā€™t get that, as this one is really close to my Homey Pro (same room)

I did press its test buttonā€¦ and immediately, in Homey, its alarm turned on.


But really weird: it still appears to be ā€œofflineā€ and ā€œunreachableā€.

And if I try to ā€œHealā€ my Smoke Sensors, I get an error ā€œrequest_timeoutā€ (And it does not help with sensors stuck with alarm turned on)

Anyone else with Heiman Smoke Detectors (in alarm or not), being reported as ā€œofflineā€ and/or unreachable (but still reacting on a test) ?

Hi ValƩry, YW!

Iā€™ve very limited Z-Wave knowledge, but I do know, for battery powered Z-Wave devices the ā€œunreachableā€ status is perfectly normal.
This is because those devices are in sleep mode when inactive.
(Same goes for Zigbee battery powered devices).

So, when the the smoke sensor sends a signal to Homey, when its test button is pressed ā†’ allā€™s fine.

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