Have Homey automatically email a new voice note for Google Keep

(translation of Dutch post in Homey automatisch een nieuwe ingesproken notitie voor Google Keep laten mailen)

You are lying on the couch or in bed and suddenly you think of something that you should not forget tomorrow.
You don’t feel like getting up, but luckily it can be done hands-free:
I then say to my GoogleNestMini: Ok Google, “maak een notitie” (that’s Dutch voor Ok Google, take a note). Google asks “What should be included?” and after recording my message, this note can be found in Google Keep (https://keep.google.com/u/0/ 1).

I would like to have this note emailed automatically, so that I can find the note in my email the next day.
You can already share notes in Google Keep, but you first have to go to that Google-Keep- page, check the note in question, fill in the email-address and then you finally get to share it. Unfortunately, Google does not have a standard “auto-forward” feature available, which is always active for every note that comes in through speech.

Looked at Homey apps, searched this forum, looked at IFTT, searched the internet.

The only thing I found is https://www.make.com/en/integrations/google-keep 2, but for that you need a Google Cloud Platform service account with domain-wide delegation enabled. (source: https://www.make.com/en/help/app/google-keep ) >>
To use Google Keep modules, you must have a Google Cloud Platform account. If you do not have one, you can create one at console.cloud.google.com. The Google Keep API is an enterprise-only API, so you must use a Google Cloud Platform service account with domain-wide delegation enabled.

I also looked at a routine via GoogleHome; “When I tell the assistant: Make a note” > Actions: **start ** . The problem is, that I do not have -for that solution to work- access to the spoken text in Google Keep.

Does anyone have a solution for this or perhaps a dev who sees value in creating a GoogleKeep app for Homey?

I can see if i can add google keep to my Google Services app.
Would you mind creating a ticket on the google services bitbucket?

With all kinds of pleasure, but I’m not a dev myself, so please tell me how.


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Hello @Arie_J_Godschalk ,

Is there any news on this matter yet, or am I way too early?

Yeah, a bit :wink:

LOL, I’m sorry fort that. Is there any link where I can follow the status, so I don’t have to bother you for that?


When i update your ticket you will get notifications.

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