I’m new to homey flow, I wanted to know how the “go to bed” flow works
thank you
There are no ‘standard’ or ‘out of the box’ flows available in Homey, you have to create them your self. So nobody can answer your question but you, after you have made your own ‘go to bed’ flow.
Hi Joenoo thank you for your answer
I understand and it’s normal that it’s up to me to create FLOWS, I wanted to know how the system knows that I’m going to bed lol
thank you very much
Because you start the flow?
It looks like you presume something not existing, as Homey does not know by itself when you go to bed.
The system (Homey) doesn’t know when you’re going to bed or if you are lying in bed.
So you have to think about, how or with what a flow can be triggered so that the status then changes to “Sleep”.
Some examples:
- Press a button
- Switching the TV off and the time is later than X
- At a defined time
- When the smartphone is charging later than X
- Withings Sleep Tracking Mat
- …
Thank you all, I’m sorry I’m just starting with homey, and so I’m discovering I find that this forum is res and I hope I can contribute and help
I understood well, thank you
No problem!