Getting started on Merten app


It might be a little ambitious, but I’m trying to build my first App.
I would lik eto create an app that supports Merten Connect devices.

I have set up a project.

But when running the entering the CLI command “homey app run” I get the folowwing error:
✓ Installing Homey App on Homey Pro van Gert-Jan (…
× Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden [incompatible_app_version]

Some help jumpstarting this project would be greately appreciated.

Kind regards,

Don’t know, but wouldn’t it be smoother to combine the future Merten app with the Schneider (wiser) app which already has some zwave Merten devices included? Schneider Electric (deprecated) App för Homey | Homey GitHub - Signalare/ Schneider Electric Wiser

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Maybe @h3rman (the developer of the Wiser app) has some opinions about that, hehe.

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Yes, it would be smoother if I had sufficient knowledge to really contribute. When I have created my driver for my switches, dimmers an roller shutters I am more then willing to share my code or add it to the existing Schneider app.

But at this point my question is more regarding how to get started :grinning:

After diving a bit deeper. I see that the Wiser line uses signee in stead of z-wave.

Yes, and it also support a Merten/Schneider zwave device.

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It does and wis available as test version for Homey v5.
I would indeed propose to combine efforts as much as possible.


okay, you all convinced me.
Could you please verify if I’m taking the correct steps?

I cloned the project from GIT
In VS Code I run the following terminal commands:

homey login
homey app install

I still receive the message: [incompatible_app_version]

Do you have an idea what I’m doing wrong?

Good choice, hehe. What Homey version are you running? If you are running 5.0 you have to clone the test-version if it’s available on github.


Glad you are interested in helping.

If you use Homey 5.x, you can use the master branch.

If not, you can use the old test branch (no longer updated as it runs sdk2)

No more version with sdk2 will be released, but z-wave is very little affected by sdk3. The main focus right now is the zigbee rewrite, which has caused everything else to slow down. When Homey 5.x is released we can start adding support for more z-wave devices.

I’m running 4.2. I now managed to install “test”.
And now have paired my dimmers. Awesome!

I’m still new to developing apps for Homey, but I’m willing to contribute. I will go through the code on github to get some basic understanding on how to develop extra functionality.

Thanks guys!

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Today I started on including my “In wall roller shutter”.
I managed to pair the device, but after pairing my Schneider app seems “broken”?

I tried to go back to the orriginal situation, but then I receive the message:

[Driver not found]

After a few restarts I managed to delete the devices. Problem solved.

This was the orriginal error:

I currently also have Merten Connect Z-Wave shutter switches installed. With my current Vera controller I have the functions up/down and stop. I wanted to switch to Homey Pro now, but I’m not sure if that works with the Merten switches. Have now just seen your post. Is there already a solution to operate the Merten shutter switches correctly? Thanks in advance.