Fluvius Digital Power meter connect

Hi, my power provider use the new digtal meters.
Can we connect it to homey for the power ussage en flow aplication?

dos some already have aplication’s? Belguim Customer.
Some info(dutch):


Best search this forum for P1 , many topics about this item, also for BE.

Can you give link?

Tap on the magnifyingglas (upper rigt corner of this page) and type P1

I tryde, it says Search term to short :slight_smile:

P1 meter
P1 smart
P1 fluvius
P1 Belg

To continue in this threat, fluvius has an api. Because I can connect is to my kbc app en see the Powerussage in the kbc app. Some smart to make an app for homey?

Or connect a P1 meter from Homewizard on your digital meter. There is a good app in Homey for Homewizard.

I know, but already connected to charging station. There are splitters but no power to do this. End seems useless if I could use the api from fluvius no device’s are needed…