Flow to turn specific devices on


I am using a flow to turn specific devices on but I am having trouble when the device type is set to Other.

The flow works fine when using any device type than other. For example using the flow card to turn on all devices of type light in a certain zone works fine. But to turn on all devices of type other does not work.

I have tried both cases using the same device, just changing the type.

Any ideas why I am not able to use the flow card “turn specific devices on”, when device type is set to other?

The device i am trying to turn on is a lamp, but I want to separate different lamps in the same room, using device types.

This is normal behavior. The idea is to group devices of the same type, separated by rooms (standard provided) or subgroups (there is an app for that).
You wouldn’t want to accidentally switch on all devices marked as “other”… That could be any device or switch you didn’t give the correct device type. That would almost certainly have undesired effects…

Ok, thanks for the clarification. To solve my problem I set device type to “Fan” for those Lights that I wanted to control separately.

That is indeed one of the ways to do it without very much effort :ok_hand::facepunch:

Hi forum, I stumbled into a similar issue as reported by Johan in that I what to turn on/off the XMas lights across the house. These lights are across multiple rooms and marked as device type “lamp”.
The trouble with this is that these lights switch on/off unintentionally any time another “lamp” device type in the same is switched; this behaviour is unwanted as XMas lights are to be controlled through a separate flow & timers…

As a quick solution I could indeed select a non-used device type eg. “fan” but much better would be to add the device category “Christmas Lights”. However I couldn’t find any options to do so :-(.

My question now is how to create an additional, custom device type.
This feature seems useful to me, not only for this particular example but for a range of applications…

Make a Room called XMASS and place all the xmass devices into that room, or use the App Group

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Hi Jan, I installed this “group” app and IT works just fine.
Thanks for the hint!

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