Flow not executing completely

I have a flow that doesn’t execute till the end in this configuration where the last 2 cards are called twice

I checked the syslog to be sure that the 2 last cards aren’t executed twice as they should be.
…the flow ends correctly however if I delete the first link to the 2 last cards

What am I missing ?

My understanding is that within a flow, a card is always executed only once. If you have multiple connections to a subsequent card, then whichever preceding card comes first ‘wins’. The others are ignored.

If you want both conditions of the preceding cards to be met, you could use an ALL join.


This explains that.
I was not aware of this oddity (why the hell ?)
Thanks for the tip :pray:

All or Any ?

If you want Homey to wait for executing the next card that has multiple inputs, then you would put an ALL join in front of that card.

If you want Homey to start executing the next card that has multiple inputs, when any of the inputs arrive, then you would use an ANY join. Or just leave the ANY join out, as waiting for the the first input to arrive is the default behavior.