Hello, please i would like to make a flow that if i turn on and off the light 2 times in 15 seconds so homey turn on some device. Is this possible?
Thank you
Very fast made example:
I know somewhere in this forum there is a better example but unbtill now I could not find it
found it: One button to activate different flow
Hi @Hielke_de_Jong ,
your idea is right, but I assume there is a severe issue, when you start with the same trigger and different flows, which depend on each other.
In your case if the countdown of the first row is started and the check in the second row is started a millisecond after the start, the action may be already run after the first switch.
Effectively the outcome is indefinite and it may work right sometimes and it may go wrong as well.
There are many ways to make it more complex depending on the exact requirements of @Adam_P , but I will try to deliver a slightly improved version later.
Yes I know; was just a fast proof of concept. In my second post there is a forum-post which explains it better and gives better examples.
Also: for a good flow it would be good to know if it is a smart lightbulb or a smart switch or plug @Adam_P
Sorry I am a bit late.
My Solution for a simple doubleclick flow - the action starts with the second click in the given time
And if you want to have more possible actions, depending on the number of clicks, it would look like this:
You might realise that 15 seconds are a bit long. Just check, with time fits your needs and comfort best.
It doesn’t matter, which timer app