Flow for automatic changing color


I have here a LIDL colour led string which is connected via my HUE bridge.

I am looking for a flow which automaticly changes the colour of the light the whole day long (as long as the led is turned on).

I created a flow which changes the colour to blue, wait 5 seconds, change colour to green, wait 5 seconds again and then change colour to red wait 5 seconds and then restart the flow.
There are more cards in the flow to check logica value (if false then the flow stops etc).

The flow works and does what i want, but sadly Homey disables this flow after a while (because it run for 600 times)…

Is there a way to easily change the colour of the light the whole time the led is turned on?

When Homey disables the flow because of “too many triggers in x seconds”, you can try to spread it over several flows. This reduces the chance of auto-disabling while they are triggered less times per minute.

  • Flow color changer:
    start button is turned on
    start flow blue

  • Flow blue:
    this flow is started
    start button is on
    change colour to blue
    start flow green after 5s

  • Flow green:
    this flow is started
    start button is on
    change colour to green
    start flow red after 5s

and so forth

The last flow should return to flow blue

  • Flow red:
    this flow is started
    start button is on
    change colour to red
    start flow blue after 5s

Just to make it clear, also for you @Peter_Kawa .
The message: disabled because it is running 60 times, means they are all still running! They don’t finish, probably because you are running it from within the same flow. Each Then card will be waiting for the flow to complete.

You can start flows more than 60 times, but they need to be closed.

One of the ways is, use the app advanced triggers and set it to NOT WAIT.
Then the flow will not be disabled!

I have many flows this way, part of why i created Advanced Triggers.

What do you mean set NOT WAIT?
As far as i know there is no such option or card in advanced flow…

Als the error was it was running for 600 (not 60) times, also the flow is/was finished but it started it self.
So very simple explained:
flowname: ledcolor
start → change color to red → wait 5 seconds → change color to green → wait 5 seconds → change color to blue → wait 5 seconds → start flow name led color

There is no way the flow was still running before it was started again, then homey disables the flow with the message it runs over 600 times.

The best solution was the HUE card ‘Begin kleur effect’, this does exactly what i want with only 1 card, sadly the LIDL led string only shows 1 color when used, when i use this card on an actual HUE string of bulb then it works fine… (lidl led is directly connected to the hue hub).

Hey @B3rt , it’s in the app Advanced Triggers App voor Homey | Homey.

It’s hard to talk about flows when you don’t share them.
Could you show a printscreen of the flow?

Because, if i understand it correctly, you are starting Flow:LedColor from within Flow:LedColor, right?
If so, how can the first execution ever be finished?
“start flow name led color” this card will wait til the execution is completly done, but since the card itself is part of the flow, it can never completed.

Here for example, this flow is called Example Loop, and it will never be finished:

However, if you use cards from the Advanced Trigger app, you can:

If i misunderstood what you meant, sorry. But this is what i got from your description.