Floor heating, Tado + Zwater2

Im trying to control my water heated flooring.

Currently I have received some tado thermostats, and want to incorporate them into Zwater2 (9 relays that can control 24v actuators)

Well, my problems is the setup of flow. If I run the test then the relay will shift, but not by it self…

I have tried both the “cards” from the tado it self, but also used a virtual device and used the tags from the tado (temperatur).

My setup is:
When= Temperatur is less “tag” (Set to tado wanted room temp)
And= Tado/Zwater is on
Then= Relay 1, switch to on (Z-water)

Any insights to what I’m doing wrong?
As it is not functioning as wanted.

Test means, you are the trigger, so the real trigger does not work in your flow.


Certain triggercards don’t work with tags or variables as input value.
You’ll see your flow gets triggered when you enter a number instead of using a tag/variable.

You can try this