Hello, does anyone know how to pair candles with Homey? These candles work with a remote control. I’ve installed the application and brought the candles close to Homey, but nothing happens. I assume it works through Homey’s infrared (IR), but since I’ve never used the IR feature, I don’t understand how to proceed.
I installed the application and added it via “New”. The icon appears correctly with various possible uses. However, when I click, for example, on “Turn on”, nothing happens, even with the candles next to the Homey. I assume it’s normal because I haven’t configured the candle remote to the Homey. I don’t know how to do that.
Hi all, fun fact: These candles were in our Christmas Package this year, a colleauge wrote the App
You really need to hold the Homey right next to the candles before they work, they are really picky with picking up the IR signal. It’s a limitation of the candles unfortunately.
The app works, but the IR receiver in the candles is extremely weak. Even with the included remote, you have to hold it very close to the candle for it to respond. As a result, when Homey sends a command, the candles often fail to pick it up.
Noproblems with the remote here turns on/off a few meters away. I tried to learn the code from the Homey/APP but nothing is send. Don’t know what the problem is.
But i have a Logitec Harmony that learns the code from the remote en that works great.
Same here. Even with the candles placed against or on top of Homey Pro 2023, there is no response when setting on/off in Homey. Maybe the IR code has changed?