I have a problem with Fibaro dimmer 2. They do not dim low enough. That problem is solved by changing minimum brightness parameter to 2. (overriding the auto calibrated minimum) BUT that also causes the dimmer to take a long time to turn the lights on. Up to 5 seconds from pushing the switch to the lights turns on.
When I recalibrate they turn on instantly, but the minimum brightness problem is back.
I have also tried connecting a bypass and calibrating with bypass, but the minimum brightness remains the same.
Does anyone have a simmilar experience
Did you find a soution to this? It does seem very frustrating that the lights can’t go as low as they would with a bog standard rotary dimmer
It’s really confusing. With the MIN BRIGHTNESS LEVEL set at 1, the light only dims to about 50% of actual brightness (even if the app can be dragged down to 1%). As I learned from the OP, setting the MIN BRIGHTNESS LEVEL to anything other than 1 works to get the bulbs down as low as they should go (I actually set it to 1.1 and miraculously my lights now dim low). Switching off then switches the light off properly. So far so good.
Switching on again tells the module that the light is “on” (ie the app shows it is having switched on) but there is no light from the bulb. If (using the app), I slowly bring the brightness up, the light does not react until I get to a level which is equivalent to previous brighness level it achieved before changing the MIN BRIGHTNESS LEVEL setting.
I have examined (but not played with) all the parameters and can’t seem to find anything that this can relate to.
Any thoughts greatly appreciated, I’m tearing my hair out here.
Posting my solution here just in case anyone is interested. It’s clunky but it works.
When the paramter is set low and then turned off, turning them back on again leaves the brightness below a visible level (but the lights are on), so they need to be turned up again. So I use a flow to simply increae the brightness
After calibrating, set calibration parameter to “Readout” on the dimmer settings so the dimmer doesn’t try and over-ride anything
Set minimum brightness level to 1.1 on the dimmer settings
Create a flow for the circuit as follows:
When Lights turned on
And dim level < 0.2 (play around with this parameter)
Dim lights to 0.011
(NB dim level is represnted as a decimal here, not a percentage)
As I said, clunky, but my lights now operate as they should.