I’m having a very strange issue - reaching out to see if anyone has any ideas.
Support call raised with Homey as well. This started after Homey asked me to reset the ZWave due to timeout issues I was having.
I have a mixture of Fibaro Dimmers, witrh some older Dimmer 1’s (2 lights) and new Dimmer 2 (10 of)
I have a situation where the Dimmer 1’s just start flashing -
One of the lights has NO flows at all.
Second has 2 flows, that just turn the light on with motion, and off after 5 minutes.
There are no associations.
Troubleshooting so far - add and remove device. (did not resolve)
Reset ZWave completely, a second time (did not resolve)
Reset Homey and completely rebuild - looks like that didn’t work either!
I have tried setting Parameter 30 to 0 (zero) - which is alarm activation deactivated in case there was something causing this within the network (although no other devices activate, which is what I would expect)