Feedback on a Homey newbee's automation strategy?

Hi Fredrik

You should definitely check this one out. It’s new and still in progress but very usable already (and with the Pro 23 it even works locally) :

I would opt for one zigbee network. Or, you should have enough zigbee lights and plugs, paired with Homey zigbee, to spread around the house, just like your Hue devices.

Keep in mind they don´t like (they mute after a while so to speak) several zigbee types/brands like Ikea. Aqara is not very following the zigbee 3.0 standard.
They work great @ Homey 2019 (I have 12 Aqara sensors) don’t get me wrong, but it’s just a warning they can ruin the party.

Homey has a pretty huge database with IR remotes. Learning IR is not possible, check out Switchbot for that. It learns IR and has a good Homey integration.
The Brel app can learn (and use) 433MHz signals, when you’re lucky it recognises your remotes.
If your not lucky you can consider a Broadcom RM4 pro (The Broadcom app is in the process of eing updated to SDK3, to be able to run on Pro 23)

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