[FeatureRequest] Select you own icon for a device

The Homey app has been updated with 10 more device icons, including a christmas tree… :slight_smile:

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Here’s the fulll list:

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But the Homey’s and bridge needed a virtual device
With a custom svg file.

BtW I reported a bug that the custom icons are not yet visible in the flow editor or in shared flows.
This is now on their list as bug.

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I just noticed it too.
I Iove the Wireless Cable™ icon! Finally!

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Bumping this thread cause I personally love the default icons one can choose. The style is really nice and simple…however there are way too few. I would hope that the artist behind the icons get the assignment to create a lot more! :+1:

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One not exclude another :wink:

  • Icons from one designer are all more or less in one style
  • One designer/company can (virtually?!?) not provide icons for all devices of the world

And actually… possibility to use custom icons does NOT REQUIRE to use them…

Possible to use material design icons like homeassistant do?

I love HA as well, but I’m sure Athom does not want to be like Ha, or use stuff HA uses :kissing_closed_eyes:

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Would be easy to implement a external icon storage, that you can choose from and download the icons you want.
Don’t think material design is HA :laughing:, but I see your point in differencing Homey from HA

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I never wrote / think material design is HA :sweat_smile:
I wrote

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+1 for custom icons. This is a basic feature in many smart home controller softwares.

There are a lot of devicetypes etc missing in the current icon library, and there will always be random custom devices that we cant expect in a basic library.

Also would make changing to Homey easier if the users could se the devices their devices represented by the icon / similar icon to what they are used to from previous solution.


+1 for custom icons

I would pay extra for an icon pack. I know that’s against Homey’s ethos. They only charge for backups because they carry cloud storage costs but…

A one-time charge for icons or, even better, an “icon generator tool” that maintains the wireframe style would be so worthwhile!

I would do the same.

+1 for custom icons.

It was stated in todays AMA that they would be looking at the available icons in the near future.

My personal impression that this was to extend the iconset not allow users to replace it.

Custom icons are pretty welcome. I am currently using a bowl fish icon to represent my cat’s GPS collar (tractive). Not ideal…

We’ve already expanded the customs icons in the last few updates, adding some new lamps, plants, sensors, appliances and more. Curious to see which devices / icons you are still missing! :smile:

Some ideas for missing items which comes to my mind…

  • central heating
  • light bar (instead of a rolled up stripe)
  • water sensors
  • motion sensors
  • smoke sensors
  • power strip
  • temperature sensor
  • stairs up and down (like in zones)

For me the default icons are great, but my housemates prefer individual icons for the different devices. So, different icons for same type of devices would be great.

These are some of the icons recently added;

I really like your other suggestions too! We will also be adding more variety to the different types of devices.

Isn’t it technically possible to upload own icons?