[FeatureRequest] Run flow once and then it deletes itself?

But I did post it in Suggestions and ideas! For some reason it was moved back here which I think is wrong.

In this thread I asked if this function existed and was told it was not. Therefore I started a new thread in Suggestions and ideas requesting the function. How can that be wrong?

Edit and move it. It doesn’t make sense to have two identical topics.

I just think that it is just impossible.
Even a Unix executable is not able to delete itself as when the executable runs, the executable file is “in use”. You might be able to do it in a low level programming environment like assembler, using a few special tricks, like loading the program permanent in memory, decoupling the program code in memory from the executable, doing all kinds of crazy things at the operating system level.
So you need another program/flow to delete the program/flow.

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Nice to hit the test button just before you realize it wasn’t perfect…

And then you create the flow again.


They are not identical. I posted in this category first (as a question), since I didn’t know if what I was looking for existed. When I was told it did not I marked this thread as “Solved” and started a new thread under “Suggestions and Ideas” to let the devs know that there is a need for a new function in Homey.

But OK, next time I have an idea for a function in Homey that I have not found I will not post in “Questions and help” to see if it exists…I’ll post directly in “Suggestions and Ideas”.

Renamed and moved.

Thank you.

I would have preferred that you deleted this thread and unlocked the one I started named “Disposable flow, run once and then ”self destruct”” instead, since that was the request post…this thread just spiralled out of control with a lot of irrelevant stuff.