[FeatureRequest] Excluding zones and devices from Homey Energy

Maybe, maybe not. I guess it depends on their PM for the energy features and how they are testing their software. I have been a professional software developer and PM (product manager) for +20 years, and if we had released unfinished software like this where all the pieces just don’t fit together with standard user stories, I would loose my job.

This is my reply from Athom:

Hi Henrik,
Thanks for reaching out to our support and thinking along with us!
I have taken the liberty to add your request to our internal list for feature requests, as this functionality has been suggested before. The more people that want a specific feature the more important it will become for us to realize it. (A little inside scoop: Development is working on a Energy feature that will hopefully allow you to do so).
Please keep in mind that we cannot give any guarantees on if and when we will implement your suggestions, as there is already quite the development roadmap laid out. That being said, your request is definitely noted and will be discussed.
Thanks again for your input, we appreciate it!
I wish you a great day and lots of fun with Homey!
Best Regards,
Athom Support

Over half a year since the last reply here, I am getting the same response from support

Hi Rudi,

Bedankt dat je contact hebt opgenomen met onze support en voor het meedenken!

Ik heb jouw suggestie intern toegevoegd aan onze lijst met functieverzoeken, zodat we deze kunnen overleggen met het ontwikkelteam.

Ik wil wel graag alvast aangeven dat we geen garanties kunnen geven of en wanneer je suggestie eventueel geïmplementeerd kan worden, omdat er op dit moment ook al een aardige routekaart aan ontwikkeling ligt. Maar weet in ieder geval dat jouw suggestie genoteerd staat en dat we er zeker naar kijken.

Nogmaals bedankt voor je input, het wordt gewaardeerd!

Ik wens je een fijne dag en veel plezier met Homey!
Best Regards,
Athom Support

In Norway all houses have a AMS device (power meter) that you can fetch data from. I have done so and have two devices in Homey. One showing realtime power usage for my whole house and one showing 60 minute average.

In Homey’s energy features they both count so my house values are all power devices homey has data from summed. So that function is basically useless.

  1. Allow me to exclude my power meter from the energy functionality
  2. Even better, use my power meter to get accurate energy functionality instead of summing the other devices. There are always power usage in the house that Homey does not know about.

If you open the Enery tile, tap on the power meter that you want to exclude and then tap on the settings icon (cog wheel), isn’t there a toggle to exclude that device from counting towards the total energy usage of the house/exclude it from the Energy tile?