[FeatureRequest] Better Google Home support

What: Please add support for “ask Google” to send a “command” to a Google Device. I.e. it’s like automating “Hey Google any query”.

How: Either upgrade app “Google Chromecast” or “Google Nest” (but pls support old Google Home products).

Why: iOS Shortcuts have this feature and it is a simple yet powerful way to open up the Google Home eco system for more automations;

Example use cases:

  • Ask questions like, “how’s the weather”?
  • play specific YouTube or Spotify songs
  • Sync devices (update 3rd party device integrations)
  • Turn on/off any device connected to Google Home eco system - not all manufacturers are connected to Homey Pro and this is the easiest work around
  • Play music on your defined group of speakers (by “listen on name of speaker group”)
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