[feature request] Option to make a data dumb of all your logic values

Maybe someone is looking for an idea for creating a app or tool.

Don’t know if it is possible but it would be nice to have an option to create a (json) data dump of all your logic_values.

I often create a flow card to write a log file (using papertrails or simple log) and eachtime I have to select the data i wish to log into the flow card.
It would be great if there was an option to trigger to create a snapshot/data dumb of all logic values currently in Homey and output them into a json string which then can be save (or send/used). When doing this jou just have all logic values and when looking for an error/bug in your flows you can lookup the data of the time the dumb was created.

I think you mean data dump ?
Here’s a start:

const logicVars = await Homey.logic.getVariables()
for (var iLogicVar in logicVars){
  if (logicVars[iLogicVar].name != "")




Thx but i cannot get it to work as i want it.
I cannot get the output into a text card which i can then save using simple log.

The code @Arie_J_Godschalk wrote works fine
return JSON.stringify(await Homey.logic.getVariables());
but it is not filtered as in your demo.

So youre code does what i want, but now only i need it as a string as in Arie example

Use this in the HS Run Code - Return TextTag

let str='';
const logicVars = await Homey.logic.getVariables()
for (var iLogicVar in logicVars){
  if (logicVars[iLogicVar].name != "")

    str+= `"${logicVars[iLogicVar].type}-variable","${logicVars[iLogicVar].name}","value","${logicVars[iLogicVar].value}",`;


return str;



Thx, this works!

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