Therefor it isn’t called an OR , they (Athom) created an ANY, that just triggers it output on the first incoming trigger of a pervious card.
So maybe start “Flip-Thinking”
The evaluation of a condition can be True Or False, continuing a trigger in the upper or lower Niple (I L
ve that one )
But Continuing al Lower Niple trigger isn’t True or False it is the result of an Evaluation that was False. Although it isn’t True or False on it’s own. Especially when it is delayed, then it can represent an evaluation of an equation back in time that was false or true (Upper ̷N̷i̷p̷p̷l̷.̷.̷. . path ) and you never know what that equation is now.
Look here:
Because What if Noooo was True? Then according to the first Condition it was True, Follow the upper Path… and a Second Later a trigger comes to the ANY and Flips it, and a second later something else put on the timeline.
PS: After playing a couple a weeks with it already my first posted Topic here ^^^ was also still comparing the ALL with an AND and the ANY with an OR. Start Flip-thinking