Fakro App suddenly refused to work/disappear

Today suddenly I suddenly can’t open or close the blinds on my roof windows.
I See a red triangle icon and get the message “App unavailable”.

Can anybody help?

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Just a minute! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

That sounds like Homey cloud
Fakro uses zwave according to the homey.app store

I think you should

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Thank you very much for your reply.

I tried all of these 3 options without any luck though.

I am using Homey Bridge (which looses wifi connection regularly although about only 3 meters away from the wifi repeater) and the window blinds are called “ARZ solar 102”

It worked nicely but suddenly since yesterday the app is unavailable

Hi Harald,

Wifi isn’t (always) about the distance
The following hints are also for the bridge:

Also please just keep installing the app every now and then, and create a support ticket @ https://homey.app/support

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Thank you Peter

Would you advise to delete both devices from Homey and adding them again?

Concerning the Wifi:
As soon as the new Homey Pro is available I will get it with the ethernet connector, so this problem should be solved. :wink:


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Not entirely. It is pretty stable. Everything works very fast, but sometimes there are still short hiccups. But until now only on my mobile in the Homey app. Just very short moments Homey is not available. I only use the ethernet cable and no wifi. But most importantly all flows work perfectly.