Device turn itself on_off


If this has been solved before, please point me in the right direction.

Shelly has once turned the output off (slått av) by itself, when it should have been on.
The state of it was on and should have been on until my flow set’s it to off.

This could be a problem for me and I need to understand why this happened.

You can see the rest of the time it is acting as it should and does what the flow says.

Why is this happening and is there a way to be informed if a device takes it’s own decisions?


in the shelly phone app app what device do you have set up? What kind of switch? momentary or something else

The device is Shelly 1.

Button type: toggle switch

What is it controlling/attached to?
I have 3 shelly 1 attached to roller door motors, they are set to turn off after 0.5 seconds, Button type Detached switch. Power on Default is set to Off. There is a lot in Shelly to be got right and it sounds like you may not have yours set to the appropriate button type

To “solve” it, you can counter it’s action by using the Device Capabilities App → Recieve Insights from 0 minutes ago.
It will show you the user/client/app that switches it on/off.
If that is the app itself, switch it back.

It is attached to a control circuit for a charger. The flow has a time limit so the output is only active during those hours. What button type do you think I should use?

Power on default is set to: Switch.

I have this, but never used it.

Are you attaching this to a flow to get that information?


Or do you use this one?



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Im not sure i understand wat you mean by that.
But here is an example:
You can read this flow through the Templates in the DC App Settings → Templates.
(Press refresh to show, i just created the Template).

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Well, you can use the Watch trigger (with the tokens already there from the insights) or use the insights.
I personally would use the normal device trigger card and then recieve the insights.

Not sure why i still prefer that, the watch works correct. But i like as least in the way as possible i guess.

But take a look at the example.

I think you need the token Client, but not sure with Shelly, it could be User sometimes.

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Thank you, will study this! :slight_smile:

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I have my Shelly 1 set as follows to activate roller door motors, the Shellys are wired in parallel

Thank you,

I will see if this works better for me :slight_smile:

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Might also be worth hour while going to Shelly facebook support pages, although I really don’t like that they use facebook as a support forum and ask there. They were able to help me figure out why my garage door was opening randomly

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