Device options disapeared for flows

On the second day after installing my homey bridge and setting up rudimentary test flows, the options in the flow are not available anymore.
(Connected are Philips Hue, Nuki, Yale, Homey Bridge)
After “installing” the app for Hue and Nuki from the Homey App Store the options reappeared.
I can not install an app for the Bridge. Now I can not make new flow where I change the LED of the bridge.

Is this a known proplem?


What App for the Bridge? afaik there is no App for the Homey Bridge.

Is the Bridge Connected? Please be more specific.

How can I be more specific?
The old flow can still change the LED, so the connection works.
I could also control the hue devices directly or with the flows.

Upon creating a new flow usually you see actions to choose from. For example set scene for Hue. This option was not available until the app was reinstlled.

But because there is no App for the bridge, I can not solve the problem like I did for Hue.

Confirmed, this is a new Issue. Reported to Athom.


I have got the same issue, something is broken.

A restart via Homey Developer Tools should fix it right now.


Meanwhile the system is working properly without me doing anything.
Thanks for the help!