
I’m developing a mqtt communication ‘gateway’ for Homey. When this app is installed, all Homey devices and their capabilities are shared over mqtt (iot communication protocol) in a format which HABpanel understands (the Homie Convention). The MQTT Gateway app is currently in alpha status (=experimental). If you want to test it now, the app can be installed via the athom-cli. Eventually it will become available in the Athom app store (patience). When installed, all Homey devices will automatically appear in HABpanel as channels within a ‘Homie MQTT device’. How to accomplish this, can be found on many openhab fora. Finally the channels are linked to ‘things’ (the devices within openhab) which can be added to a custom dashboard or be controlled from one of the many openhab interfaces. Of course equal results can be achieved for any application with the ability to communicate over mqtt (e.g. I’ve seen some working Android & iOS app dashboards already).