“connection” between Schneiders - IHC Controller an HOMEY

You need a raspberry pi, where you install IHC Captain,
The released version can’t connect to IHC :frowning:

Please ask the developer Mikkel for a beta version IHC® Captain - fjernbetjening, automatisering og overvågning

Start flows from IHC Captain

Install Webhook manager on you Homey
Webhook Manager App til Homey | Homey

Login to your Homey Developer page and choose “webhook manager”
Homey Developer Tools

On the bottom of the page copy your GET URL – delete ”data fields” (&data1=data_field_1_here&data2=data_field_2_here&data3=data_field_3_here)

Use the URL to start flows from IHC Captain (your_event_name_here, has to be changed with your webhook manager “On event” name)

Remember to change

Create an event in In IHC Captain (Save to URL)
Insert your URL and choose ”get”
Test it and save


Control IHC fra Homey

In settings for IHC Captain choose ”API” to create a ”token”

In IHC Captain you need to find the item you want to control.
Hold ”CTRL” down and push left mouse button, now you will be able to see the ID number you need to use in Homey

Create a flow in Homey and use the Logic http GET to send your request to IHC Captain. In this example I disable my IHC Alarm (Alarm Frakoblet)

Curl example:

Boolean values can be:

Please remember to support the developer of IHC Captain.


How do you get the “API” tab in settings? I dont have this. I’m running ICH Captain 1.54

Sorry i have not updated, still running the old beta

ok :slight_smile:

Can you share some of you flows? I’m using my wireless “Betjeningstryk” to turn on and off lights.

I guess Homey need to “listen” for at push from IHC Captain and then turn on a light connected to Homey.

Hello, I am trying to create a function that turns on the light when my alarm sensor in the hallway is activated
But can’t get it to work, maybe you can see what I’m doing wrong

I choose logic
Method GET
In ULR I write -H "Authorization: Basic dNXZANwSxkLUbqluh1F7==

Then I get error 409 conflict

If I write: -H "Authorization: Basic dNXZANwSxkLUbqluh1F7==
I get error 404

Can you see what I’m doing wrong?

Klavs Bak

Sorry the late response
I have now updated to newest version og IHC Captain.

In IHC captain you can generate the url you need

Now you just make a GET http request and set you URL + Headline

Note: change HTTPS to HTTP in the URL

Hi have IHC captain 1.61.
Come so fare that i can toogle a output in IHC captain, “lamp” from homey pro.
Made this with the API function in ihc Captain.

Also managed to make a virtual device from the Captain API.
But, i would like to get the status on the IHC output in Homey, like they are in IHC captain,

Trying with webhook gem to url in IHC captain, but cant get my head around how to do it, maybe there are better ways?

Would realy like to use the IHC / IHCcaptain in Homey to build flows…
If i could get a virtual device configured on the output with the status present in homey then it would be a game changer.

Appreciate any advice on the topic

Hi we figured it out - you need to setup a “Gem til URL” and save to the homey (either internal URL or the public webhook url) - like so:

The important part here is the “parameter” where you assign the “event” you want to listen for inside homey and the value - in this example we use the “newvalus” which will send a boolean (true/false) as the “tag” value into homey

Then inside homey create a logic when that listens for the “event” value (in this example “testevent” and then takes the “tag” value and assign it directly to a virtual device onoff value