Connect Panasonic Comfort Cloud app to Homey (AIRCO control)

Sorry for the late reply.
But can you change fan, and state?

Seems like Panasonic added the option for the same ID to be used for different devices, which solved the problem of using multiple devices within Homey.



Hi I have this Panasonic in my comfort Cloud app. I can add it to Homey, but doesnt work.

What to do ?

Would really like the ability to control state, fan speed and quiet/powerful via flows.

Me too.

Is it possible to add all control options as ‘then’ flow cards?


  • Air Direction
  • Eco mode
  • Operation Modes (Dry, Heat, Cool, Fan)
  • Fan Speed
  • Fan Auto Mode


All units stopped working and give the message: “new app version published”. Seems like the api has changed.

I while ago i got my hp23 and the panasonic confort cloud app isn’t working. My airco’s can’t be added also tried if there is a test version of the app. The only thing I hope is the community app store is working soon so I can install the alternative app which was working perfect all the time. During winter i don’t use the airco’s.

@Jeroen_Hus I currently use the alternative app on my hp2023. Needed to do a manual install.

@Robert_Elbertse what app did you use? I’m having trouble adding my 3 Panasonic units through the Comfort Cloud app.

See this topic @SquidCranium

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Thank you @Robert_Elbertse - got it working using the Alternative app. It was actually a very seamless process!

The only thing I couldn’t figure out was getting an alternative user setup properly in Panasonic Comfort Cloud. I got the account setup but trying to re-add the units to the second user account just kept timing out, what a pain! Let’s hope my account doesn’t get blocked.

Thanks heaps.

Still no updates from @lumin . Everyone with the same problem? Not able to add the devices?

I am not able to add my device. Get this error upon adding the device

Anyone seen this or can guide me?

I have the same. Do you have already a solution for this issue?