Configuration app HTPP help


I have just purchased a HOMEY pro box and I would like to recover the energy data of my apartment.

This data are available on Ecodevices acquisition equipment counting via the following JSON command:

http://IP_Eco-device / api / xdevices.json? Cmd = 10*

The equipment then responds:

{ “product”: “Eco-devices”, “T1_PTEC”: “----”, “T1_PAPP”: 0, “T1_BASE”: 0, “T2_PTEC”: “HPJR”, “T2_PAPP”: 920, “T2_BASE”: 0, “INDEX_C1”: 0, “INDEX_C2”: 0 }

How do I configure the HTTP request flow card POST JSON in the flows?

Which HTTP tool to retrieve the 9 information present in the return frame?

I guess I need to create 9 variables before?

Thanks for your feedback


Maybe Marcel can give you hints?