Compare 2 boolean variables

EDIT SOLVED: See bottom of post.

I’m trying to compare 2 boolean variables.

IF A or B is changed AND A=B THEN do something ELSE do something else

If I use the logic AND card “var A operator equals var B is true” I get an error “Left-side Is Non Numeric”.

If I use the same logic AND card but calculates {{A+B}} equals 0. It works. But I need both 0 and 2 to return true. So I tried to different variants of using OR to the right.
0 OR 2
{{0}} OR {{2}}
{{0 OR 2}}
They all fail.

Is it possible to compare 2 boolean variables using the built in logic in one card?

For context, I’m coming from Better Logic and want to move to a more visual solution that is easier to expand when more family members needs to be included in all the logics :wink:

EDIT: Just solved it. In this case , second option works with reverse logic.
IF A OR B is changed AND {{A+B}} equals 1 THEN something else ELSE something.

I’ll leave the post here as I didn’t find any topic like this when searching the community.

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You find a nice workaround, and “invented” [the XOR function] :grin: (XOR gate - Wikipedia).