Checking loop in Homey app for Bridge

I have recently started with Homey and have a Bridge at home and Netatmo products plus a Shelly plug running a heater in my summer home. I have flows that start and stop the heater at temperature levels from the Netatmo. Normally it works fine. Lately there seems to be some communication problems. The flow tells the Shelly to turn off but I doesn’t. If I don’t happen to see this the heater just continues to run and after a while the temperature could be 30 C and a lot of expensive power is wasted.
I am trying to come up with a flow that where a check is done at a interval.
Anyone who have ideas on how to solve this?
/Dag Jacobsen

(Assuming your wifi signal is not problematic)

If you create your flows like this:

Netatmo temperature changed
Logics card “[temperature tag of Netatmo] is equal to or greater than 20”
Turn off Shelly

This way, every time Homey receives a temperature change (in the range of 20 degrees C. and up) from Netatmo,
a “Turn Off” signal is sent to the Shelly.

Now it is not a problem if some signals are missed, because the temperature keeps rising and signals will be sent to Homey and to Shelly,
until Shelly is turned off.

And / Or an example Check flow:
Every 15 minutes
Netatmo temperature is above 20
Turn off Shelly

Oh, and try a firmware update on the Shelly.

Thank you Peter. The first option I have managed to create and I can see that it will solve the problem.
Out of curiosity I tried to also set up the second option. It fails at the IF where I can’t find any way to get every 15 min part.

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That card is not available on Homey, only Homey Pro.

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Mea culpa, didn’t check and realize this function is absent @ Homey cloud.

But, the first flow example will do imho.