Car coupe heater

I have a problem I can’t solve :frowning:

When the outside temp IS below a value ( not dropping or increasing lets say 3 degrees)
AND the time IS at 0700
AND it’s a Monday through Friday
THEN switch on my Device.

I can’t find a way to do that since the only thing I can find is temperature dropping or increasing!
I have looked into logic and better logic but still fail !

What shall I use ?

From a stupid pilot :wink:

Doordeweeksedag = week-day
Kleiner dan = lower than

something like that…

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same as @JPe4619, but I added a ALL because all requirements must be fulfilled

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Thank’s !!

Starting wrong makes live difficult but now it’s working :slight_smile:

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With CronJob App for Homey | Homey you can do 7am and weekday in one tile. But would be the same.