Cannot run my first app with clean install - ✖ (HTTP code 500) server error - Mounts denied

This probably is one of those RTFM questions. But I can’t seem to see the answer in the getting started guide and the youtube vid of Athom.

I try to follow along the guide, but I seem to get the following error:

***@snijplank ***% homey app run                                     
✓ Pre-processing app...
✓ Typescript detected. Compiling...
✓ Typescript compilation successful
✓ Validating app...
✓ App validated successfully against level `debug`
✓ Creating Remote Debug Session...
✓ Preparing Environment Variables...
✓ Connecting to `Tim's Homey Pro`...
✓ Starting `***1.0.0` remotely...
✓ Starting debugger at
 — Open `about://inspect` in Google Chrome and select the remote target.
✓ Starting `***@1.0.0` in a Docker container...
 — Press CTRL+C to quit.
─────────────── Logging stdout & stderr ───────────────
✖ (HTTP code 500) server error - Mounts denied: 
The path /***/.homeybuild is not shared from the host and is not known to Docker.
You can configure shared paths from Docker -> Preferences... -> Resources -> File Sharing.
See for more info.

What am I missing here?

Also, you might have to fiddle around with the file sharing implementation (Settings > General), I’m using VirtioFS which seems to work fine, but for others gRPC Fuse works better.

Lastly, you can choose to run your code on Homey itself instead of in a local Docker container:

$ homey app run --remote

Thanks Robert, That was indeed the solution. I thought my local Docker was interfering with the docker on the HP. Yes, that was an assumption that HP runs the apps locally in a container.

Maybe a note for the devs to include this step in the docs.

I’m afraid they don’t read every other post in here.
Not sure if this is the right link, but there’re issue trackers for devs @ git. There should be a suggestions box around I think / hope.


Thanks, done.