Cannot connect to Hue Iris

Hi all,
I just bought a Homey, some innr plugs an innr bulb and a Philips Hue Iris. I get the buld and the plugs working, but not the Iris. The Homey app tells me I ‘probably need to reset the bulb with a remote or a philips hue bridge’ I have neither…
My hypothesis is that it was previously linked to another bridge (it’s a Coolblue Tweedekans). Having only the Homey as a bridge (and no remote or philps hue bridge), is there a way to reset the Iris?

Hope anyone knows!

Wellicht dat deze link voor je werkt
Resetten Hue Iris:


@Marcel_Ubels De link werkt niet… :frowning:

Thanks for the offer, @RoyWissenburg! Unfortunately we don’t live near Z’naar, so unfortunately that doesn’t help. I’ll check neighbours etc.

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Link is edited

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