Calling an external service and receiving the Response in a variable?

Hi @Erik erik,

I have a flow that turns on the sprinkler.

As a condition I want to set that it only switches on when the rain forecast (rainTo) from the weather service is 0 and the weather (description) is "Wolkenlos) .

Furthermore it should switch on either 5 or 10 minutes, depending on the weather forecast, if sunny then 10 minutes, if cloudy only 5 minutes. Then I would be able to do it myself, but I need the values rain (.forecasts[0].rainTo) and weather forecast (.forecasts[0].symbol.description) as conditions, he should get these values with the JSON query from the weather service:

This are may flows:

Thanks a lot


hi @Erik,

do you think it’s possibile to find a solution to make it working with the logic app from homey?

today i noticed that betterlogic has problem with this text “Bedeckt, mäßiger Regen”.

Best regards


Hello @Erik,

i tried to

make a http request flow card which write a Homey Logik Variable:

What i have to insert in the “JSON formatted query parameters”?

But i’m getting this error “missing tag in flow card”.

Could you help meß



You have no value entered in this card.

hello, i have avalue, also if i send to test a message i have the same error message, i think it’s the and flow but i can’t find the error

U also typed the 2 brackets {} in the 2nd field?

yes, but same error :frowning:

nobody cant’help?

Hello @Erik,

could you help me to solve the flow with HTTP get an the Homey Logik Variables?

Simple if the value extraxted from the JSON Url is corrisponding to a specific text (like “wolkig”), then set a homey Logic Variable to YES/NO.

