Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

Sorry, not sure what you are showing there?

I think he is on firmware version 1.07.

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I donā€™t see any flows in the button bar configurator?
Is it possible to start a flow when you press a button, how can i fix that?
thanks in advance.


There are Flow triggers for buttons, so just create a Flow as normal and use one of the triggers.

Hi Adrian,

Iā€™m still trying to trigger a flow by the configuration and not by the connector ( see posts above).
I would be very lucky, if you could give me a hint, concerning the display buttons.
Thanks and nice WE

Could you make sure you are using the test version.
I presume the display is showing the required configuration number for the flow?
Unfortunately, I am redecorating my study, so my development / checking ability is hindered as thatā€™s where my PC normally lives.
Could you enable the Diagnostics Log in the app settings then press the button and then send the log. I will take a look to see i if I can spot anything.

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Hi Adrian,
thank you for your response! Unfortunatly updating to test-version 0.49 didnĀ“t do the trick, so I sent you the log.
Please take your time for redecorating your study, IĀ“m actually worried about the mecanical side of the item: pressing buttons bends the whole displayā€¦
Thanks ! Thilo

In the log, it shows configuration 1 is active when the button is pressed. I will check to make sure I havenā€™t got a 0/1 based issue somewhere, but could you confirm which configuration you expected to be active?

As far as the display bending, thatā€™s how itā€™s supposed to work. The buttons are actually on the bottom and the display rocks when you press it to activate the button.

Hi, yes I confirm that configuration 1 one is active. I also have a flow for configuration 2, same problem.

Apologies for the amateur question, but how do you get the reading from button+ā€™s own temperature sensor to show up on the display? Same for time/date and custom words. Button+ isnā€™t listed under devices in Display Items.

It should be in the device list

Hi Ranney,

how do you manage to configer 3 button+ devices? In the app config page I can see my 2 devices, but when turning to the diplay confi page, it is allways the same and changes are only saved to my first Button+?

If you want different things on each display then make 3 configurations and select the one you want to show in the Homey Button + device.

Ok, but how do I address different devices? In the config I can choose between the devices on the first card, but when I save the configuration, it always saves it to the first device?

By the way: did you find a moment to look at the trigger by configuration?

Thanks Thilo

@Thilo, I had the same question. I now use configuration 1-5 for my first device and 10-15 for my second device.

Within my flows I load one of the 1-5 configs to my first device. And for the second one the other ones (5-10).

I made a flow for skipping through the configs via the display buttons and use per device a variable for the start configuration number and and end configuration number the device can toggle between. I donā€™t use the page option, since that is more something for a one b+ device or if you have te same button and display layouts I guess

Hi Kringloper,
thank you for this information! So it is really not possible to adress more than one device by the app-configuration?
Concerning your flow: do you use the trigger (when) card with connector or with configuration? I wanted to do the same with a variable, so maybe with a and-card (and conguration is = variable)?

I donā€™t understand what you mean by addressing more than one device by the configuration?

A configuration defines the Homey devices / capabilities that will be displayed when the configuration is assigned to a Button +.
You can assign any configuration to one or more Button +, so each one can display the same information or different information. Assigning configurations to a Button + is done in the Homey Button + device or by Flow cards.

Probably itĀ“s me who doesnĀ“t get itā€¦ :innocent:
When I configer items for the display and the button bar in the app and then click on save configuration, all is immediatly saved to the Button+ and it shows it in real and in the webview.
But when I use 2 Button+, it is only saved to the first one. So for the second Button+, I have to assign the configuration by a flow, as Krinloper did?

I will test that as soon as I can.