Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

HI Adrian,

After the update of 3 hours ago I had to deactivate the integration with Button Plus. Since this update (I haven’t changed anything and wasn’t even at home to touch the buttons) it thinks that a button (connector 4 left button with me) is constantly pressed (on or off in Flow). Homey automatically deactivated the associated flows, my gate could not open anymore when I came home (manually opened it as it continued to emergency stop it). I added a push notification when triggered and in a couple of seconds it triggered over 20 push messages or something. Happy to help you debug.

I’ve send the log file to you.

It sounds as a loop in a flow. Is it possible to share the related flow?

So physically when the gate opens (license plate recognition) the gate sensor activates, causing this flow to trigger and it marks the button as inactive, which triggers the “in transit” part, which sends an impuls to the gate (causes the emergency stop when it was opening due to the license plate recognition).

I think I figured it out. It seems that what was previously working stopped working after the update (or another reason changed why it worked and does not anymore).

I’ll change the flow as I cannot change the state of the Button Plus when the sensor is activated and than use the states on the button plus to also control that same gate.

My Dutch is not good, so I am struggling to read the Flow, but my understanding is you want to use the button to open and close the gate plus act as an emergency stop while it is opening and show the states of Open / Closed / Moving?

Edit: Plus the gate can be opened by the licence plate recognition, etc.

In have the log, but it only has the start up messages and no event information for the states used in the Flow.

I hope this hasn’t been asked before, but I wasn’t able to find it…

@Adrian_Rockall: Would it be possible to have an THEN flowcard to re-apply configurations to a certain Button+ device (the way re-apply is done by maintenace in the device settings)?

After a restart of Homey, Button+ looses it’s configuration and that way you can force to re-apply it by a flow.


An upcoming feature in the next firmware update is to be able to control the wall and front LED colours independently via MQTT. However, this overrides the normal On/Off behaviour such that sending the MQTT message shows the new colour regardless of the On/Off state. Then the only way to switch the LED off is to resend the off state again and resending the on state puts the LED back to the configuration colour.

So, a question to users, would you prefer:
Option 1, to just have a Flow action card to utilise the new message?
Option 2, should I change the code so it uses the new messages to switch the LED’s on and off instead of the current LED command?

Option 1 will be the easiest to implement and ensure backward compatibility as nothing changes for existing setups, and it just adds a new Flow card to use for things like alarm conditions, etc.
Option 2 requires a large code change, therefore more testing and chances of bugs. However, it would make it possible to configure different colours for On and Off states instead of one colour for on and dark for off.

For me, option 1 would be fine, @Adrian_Rockall.
Pls let me know if you need Dutch translations again.

I see you liked my message prior to yours.
Does that mean there will also be a flowcard for resending configurations in the next app release? hopefullface :wink:

Hopefully :grin:

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I’d vote for different colors…

Do you mean option 2?

Option 2 please… :grinning:

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Hi Adrian
any news about the second Button+ and the When-Card refering to the configuration (instead of connector) ?

My second Button + is packed in a box somewhere while refitting my study/office so not been able to test that. The last two weeks have been pretty hectic with the refit as I’m building all the units myself.
I have been testing the When card with the configuration option and can’t recreate your issue as it works fine for me, so still trying to work out why that could go wrong.

yes, option 2

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Ok, thank you for your quick reply! I will re-check the configuration trigger and try to be patient for the second Button+ :wink:

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Option 1 would be fine for me.

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For me option 2 would be really great. It is the only thing I’m missing now. But of course I understand if it is too much work!

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For me, option 1

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Option one is fine for me

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After some testing on my spare homey:
Option one is also ok for me but if possible in combination with a flow card: re-apply configuration. Now after changing a bar config, the caller colors are wrong. But after re-applying the config it is fixed. Maybe that is possible with a flow card?
Many thanks again for your time!!!